Friday, January 29, 2016

McDonald’s offers to donate parcel of land to Springfield

McDonald’s USA LLC wants to give the town of Springfield a 1.48 acre plot of land north of the restaurant.


  1. If the contemplated fishing access includes a boat ramp, the potential state 'interference' could add up to way more than justthe loss in taxes. Um, is the fishing any good there?

    1. I wouldn't eat a fish from up there!

    2. Those aren't fish! Ever watch Caddyshack?

    3. Yup, you can get a McFish sandwich at the window. Limit is 5.

    4. And if you want to catch a Whopper you will need to go to Claremont.

  2. Yeah you're right Bob, screw it, lets just keep it as an overgrown pile of weed trees. Happy?

    1. Ms Anonymous 10:45, that outcome could be modified by the new town charter-to-be. Maybe Mickey D would have to turn it into a meditation park, or a shooting range.

    2. Not sure the Town can do anything about the overgrown pile of weed trees, doesn't the State want there to be a buffer that cannot be touched?

  3. Let McDonald's sell the land to a private owner so that it remains on the grand list. Enough with government at any level accruing more property and further increasing the tax burden on Springfield's already hard-pressed taxpayers.

    But just watch, the gullible town leaders just won't be able to resist this "generous offer"...

    1. Unlikely a private owner would buy it, Dalton is correct the site is too encumbered with State restrictions to be developable by anyone.

  4. Why is the most important real estate in town occupied by a McDonalds?

    1. Probably because they purchased it in the free marketplace and pay the exorbitant Springfield property taxes on it. From the sounds of your absurd question, you must think that another entity "should" own it.

    2. I hear your anger. The question is absurd, like asking, "why build a $50,000 American truck with crappy Chinese steel that rusts out immediately?" Which is pretty much the same question: why are we spending our lives and money on junk?
      That's a big problem for us, whether the absurd question is framed around junk food, heroin, or failing schools.
      By asking such an absurd question, one might provoke a different way of thinking about how we live. Which could point us in a healthier direction.
      One answer to the McDonalds question might be, "a lack of planning."


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