Friday, February 26, 2016

HCRS still in the red

Health Care and Rehabilitation Services of Southeastern Vermont posted a net loss of $638,000 in the fiscal year that ended June 30, bringing the agency’s volume of red ink to more than $2 million over the last two years.


  1. These figures are only on paper, just like the trillions of $ the USA owes (to whoever). Look at the bright side, Bonus Season for the top 1% of HCRS is just around the corner. Whoever at HCRS is reading this should now get back to work and support the Big Wig.

  2. BOO HOO,Maybe if they stopped paying their administrators a ridiculous amount of money they wouldn't have this problem,don't feel a bit sorry for them,they will want the taxpayers to pick up the slack now

  3. "About 90 percent of HCRS’ net revenue from providing services comes from the Medicaid program, a program funded by Vermont and the federal government that provides health insurance to low-income people." Unfortunately organizations such as this one exist primarily to fleece the public. This is a prime example as to why health care costs are soaring. This organization has been mismanaged and primarily exists to load the pockets of a select few. Guess who wants more of your money through federal and state aid(your tax dollars not at work)? In the good ole days these people would most likely be sent to prison but in today's world our system is so corrupt that nobody in a position to stop this nonsense will do so because they are just as likely to be as bad as these folks. No one wants to kill the goose that lays golden eggs of taxpayer dollars.

  4. Actually, the organization exists to help people withe mental health, developmental, and addiction problems. There are many great staff dedicated to helping. The problem is with the current weak leadership, and mismanagement by the previous CEO and board president.

  5. This also explains the exodus of staff, especially the high level adminstrators who have left over the past year as well as recent resignations. It's great for the CEO to profess confidence, but the the agency is unraveling beneath him.

  6. act more humane towards ALL the clients and treat them like they ARE the bread and butter of HCRS and maybe that will change!.....just a thought.

    1. As an employee I couldn't agree more. As of late it seems the only thing that seems to be talked about is productivity and the bottom line.
      It is sad, I started working there about 5 years ago to help people with disabilities and for the first couple years I really thought I was making a difference. Now it seems like I'm just trying to make the company money. Hopefully I will find something better soon. I heard McDonalds is hiring.

    2. Well real
      innovation on how to help the clients from just wandering Springfield or just sitting around HCRS doing nothing.

    3. It's like the walking dead.....
      I have a friend who works there that tells me about the money wasted. Some of the things done are downright blatant and others seem like poor planning on supervisors level. She averages about 250 miles a WEEK driving and says the mileage reimbursement is like another check. She told me about her peers who know how to cheat the system to show more miles.
      She is constantly being asked about productivity and asked to do unethical things to "fluff" the numbers.

    4. I am a former client..the government should have someone at HCRS in Springfield over watching everything so the clients,employees and the money does not get abused in any way.


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