Friday, February 19, 2016

'I’m not a victim, I’m a warrior'

Turning Point seeks funding to strengthen substance abuse recovery program    


  1. Amazing to me that I can drive by the U-Turning Point on most any day and see a half dozen or more lazy drunks loitering about, chain smoking, hour after hour. Yet, instead of putting these losers to work generating needed revenue, management is content to demand further fleecing of responsible home owners. Keep in mind the U-Turning Point is a tax exempt property involuntarily subsidized by us same home owners.

    There are legitimate charities within our community and this is far from one of them. Not a soul there that wouldn't benefit from a public ass-kicking to get the bottle out of your mouth, get a real job and pay your own way.

    But alas they will extol the infamous addict's mantra, "YOU OWE ME!"

    1. Unfortunately Non-profits have exploded in Vermont. I don't think that most people realize how much folks are making. People are getting salaries and bonuses. The trick is to spend as much as you make. Only a portion actually goes to the cause. Most are getting State or Federal Grants. Others hire firms to get donations. There are WAY TOO MANY here. Working is not necessary when you collect from 40 different Entitlement Programs.

    2. Unfortunately Non-profits have exploded in Vermont. I don't think that most people realize how much folks are making. People are getting salaries and bonuses. The trick is to spend as much as you make. Only a portion actually goes to the cause. Most are getting State or Federal Grants. Others hire firms to get donations. There are WAY TOO MANY here. Working is not necessary when you collect from 40 different Entitlement Programs.

    3. Ouch! Have a drink and relax Machinist. Life is too short man. By the way, if those knuckleheads at the state house would legalize pot, all this treatment stuff would be paid for by those who use it.

  2. So long as you keep voting for all of the Social Service Agency special appropriations that Stephanie Thompson made easier this year, it isn't involuntary.

  3. Three children and five grandchildren yet no mention of the children's father(s)or grandfather(s)

  4. It is very hard to find work, even with 1 DUI temp agencies won't hire you and many, many businesses won't even give you an interview. I was lucky that business people knew me, but I still don't have full-time work. My transgressions were over 5 years ago. I had never been arrested prior and haven't since. Turning Point gives people some hope. Please don't judge people until you have walked in their shoes.

    1. chuck gregory2/20/16, 3:04 PM

      8:55, if life gets meaner and survival becomes harder for more and more, people start losing the veneer of civilization, that willingness to understand others' needs and situations, that spirit of helping others either personally or vicariously (e.g., through public funding), and to believe that the future can be better than the present.

      Springfield is by no means a town at the bottom (Newark, N.J., is a far better example of that), but there are some residents who behave as though it is and cannot bring themselves to behave otherwise. It might be because they used to have faith in the American dream, but have found it is being denied them.

    2. The name "Turning Point" suggests that when you go there you will turn yourself around. Outsiders - including potential job offerers - need to see evidence of the turnaround; evidence of willpower.

    3. Who's fault was it that YOU got the DUI? Did you not know the rules regarding drinking and driving? I don't feel sorry for you honestly, my kids are on those roads that you are driving drunk on.

  5. chuck gregory2/23/16, 6:58 AM

    I think it would be reassuring for all if we were aware of the regimens residents of sober houses and halfway houses are to adhere to and the systems of support and monitoring that are in place for them.

    1. Yes...they are all required to sit on their front porches without their shirts on, smoking cigarettes and surveying the junk in the yard. Corner of Central Street and Church Street, North Springfield.


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