Thursday, March 10, 2016

School blight zones criticized

A proposed ordinance that would create anti-blight zones around schools and licensed daycare centers got some tweaks Monday night.    


  1. "...some just can’t afford the necessary repairs to their homes." (Peter Pullinen)
    Not everyone can afford a home, and I resent your property being a liability to mine and the community in general!

  2. Pete Pullinen has legitimate concerns with the proposed ordinance. It requires judgement calls that some of us suspect may be both arbitrary and subject to litigation by 'interested parties'. The need for clean-up certainly exists; It would be nice if the town can get it done without instituting our own Gestapo.

    1. Bob, please ex[plain what is subjective or arbitrary about, a house with the majority of paint pealed off, structural rot, plastic tarps, particle board siding, and broken/boarded-up windows? Would you tolerate your neighbor(s) destroying your hard earned equity? This town sucks and it's getting worse because of people just like you!

    2. Jeez, I dunno what domicile you are talking about here, Anonymous 9:22. Don't know why I'm responsible for that property. And, I don't know who is attacking me. Guessing you prefer it that way.

    3. chuck gregory3/12/16, 11:55 AM

      Hey, Bob, if we can't attack anonymously here, we have to settle for beating our spouse and kids in order to vent...

  3. Will the town be fining itself for Park Street and Riverside schools or are they planning to demolish these blighted schools soon?

  4. Speaking of blight,McNaughton could sure use a bath and Martone's moustache needs trimming...

  5. how about the town makes the 2 homeowners on union street,fix their drainage problem,water running in the road all winter long freezing causing a bad hazard,that's by a school

    1. any chance they could make you fix your space bar?

  6. That may be a different problem than "blight". That hillside has always drained a lot of water in winter & spring and some other times as well. Isn't there a culvert approximately at that spot mentioned? There's been various associated washouts; one year after Gulf St. had to be completely rebuilt the town enhanced the drainage & culverts above, but there's still just a lot of water draining. As the recent flooding at the foot of the hill shows. I doubt a real solution is readily available.

  7. Personally, I don't see any difference between a blighted property within 500 feet from a school or daycare center or in a neighborhood that doesn't have any "public" buildings. Blighted buildings, wherever they are located are going to cause valuation problems and the town's fathers should be looking at enforcing an ordinance equally wherever the property is located.

  8. Freedom and liberty are dead in Springfield.

    1. J., Please feel free to park your flood damaged, double wide in Arlington, Stowe or Woodstock. I'm sure your new neighbors there will be delighted at your contribution to the community.

    2. They will welcome the property tax dollars. Perhaps it is you who should do the moving.

  9. Didn't the SEVCA Director say that blighted properties were essential to provide housing for people who were disqualified from subsidized housing and that slumlords were important to providing cheap housing in Springfield. Where do we expect the drug addicts and dealers to live and they need to be within easy walking distance of the schools because many do not have driver's licenses anymore. This is a bad ordinance because it discriminates against the slumlords with properties clustered around a school, we need to make sure that slumlords have equal access to all of Springfield.

    1. The drug addicts and dealers don't need a drivers license to drive. When they get caught driving without a license they will get a ticket that will be forgiven or have the fine reduced to almost nothing. Welcome to Freeloaderville.

  10. I'm in agreement with many of the comments above; I think that our Board of Selectmen needs to prioritize first town owned blighted properties (Park Street School/Springfield Family Center) and then apply those same principles equally to both public and private properties that are violating community standards.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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