Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Springfield to tear down dilapidated house

A house at 87-89 Chester Road will be demolished. The Select Board voted unanimously Monday to have the dilapidated building knocked down.    


  1. Very pleased to see this mess cleaned up. Solar farms are great, but not in front of a residents home. Just my 2 cents. Thanks!

  2. WHAT?? That is a part of Springfield's dilapidated history. You can't demolish that.

  3. chuck gregory4/28/16, 9:44 AM

    It takes a certain mentality to appreciate a wind power or solar farm.
    One guy I know was hoping to have 25 wind turbines go up on Glebe Mountain so that when he enjoyed the view from his camp, he'd be able to tell which hill was Glebe Mountain. And of course tourists love to take pictures of the old windmills of Europe.

    If I poked my head out of my house every morning and saw banks of solar panels covering the north face of the Springfield river valley, I'd be very happy to know that enough power was being generated to power 300 homes without a bit of greenhouse gas emissions or inevitable nuclear waste problems.

    1. Yes Chuck it does take a certain idealistic, naïve mentality to advocate the wholesale expansion of wind turbines and solar panels in VT. Neither are VT's answer to ECCONOMICAL energy necessary for modern industry and the desirable jobs it brings. But with liberals it's all about the selfish motivation to feel good about yourself regardless of the impact on those of us that fuel the economy. Look around Chuck, you have a absolute total progressive governance. Springfield should be a utopia in your mind. What's happened?

    2. chuck gregory4/29/16, 10:27 AM

      You really need to monitor local politics, Machinist. Springfield is NOT noted for "absolute total progressive governance." I happen to serve on a town commission where I proposed that the objectives we state should have a specific action and a due date for accomplishment. The feedback I got-- which was supported by a large majority-- was, "if we do that, then somebody will expect something to be done, and if it isn't done, they might sue." That same board also voted against protecting and enhancing Springfield's economic life. That same board also voted against letting neighborhoods turn vacant lots into neighbor-created and -support parks. The school board was invited to see for free a movie that visited the best school system in the world-- only one member showed up. I suppose there are other examples of "absolute total progressive governance" I could trot out, but you get the idea.

  4. Solar and wind power are just about dead in Vermont. Not in my backyard, not in my front yard, not in your backyard, not in your front yard. We will just continue to purchase fossil based energy from out of state. Gosh, I miss VtYankee.

  5. what does Tallman being a convicted sex offender have to do with anything about this property,does this make the property more valuable or is it you need to put something in the article to make a bigger deal out of it

    1. Thanks for bringing this up 3:54PM; I, like you, read the article and immediately wondered what is the relevance of this information? I think that writers and their editors need to stay "on topic" just like we are encouraged to do on this website.


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