Saturday, April 23, 2016

Suspected player in violent feud wants curfew dropped

A Springfield man awaiting trial for his alleged role in the controversial 2008 fatal shooting of a Massachusetts man on a Chester ballfield has finished serving his jail sentence for unrelated drunken driving convictions and is now asking a judge if he can leave his house to get a job.    


  1. This dude is party to a murder and kicked the dying victim several times. What is he doing sitting around his house when he should be locked up? Oops...forgot it was Vermont were criminals get special treatment.

  2. Well the actual murderer is out and he goes and does whatever he wants, and they even said the shot to the back is what Killed Tamburello. The whole thing is horrible and never should have happened.

  3. If he hadn't of shot him regardless there would of been more people injured or perhaps killed!

  4. you come at me with a axe and your going to get shot and kicked too.That scum got just what he deserved!!


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