Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Vermont sheriff risks his career by hiring a sex offender

After the family moved to Springfield, Vt., in 1991, the offender contemplated suicide — in part because he was confused by his own sexuality.

WARNING: This story describes the sexual abuse of a child.


  1. Ah, once again the minions of radicalism make a social policy decision without thought to the consequences. This individual stalked and raped a 13 year old, and now, not only are they giving him a job, they want us to feel sorry for him. Pedophelia is not a "sexual orientation" as that American Psychiatric Association would have us believe (look it up) but an evil predatory illness for which there is no cure. For the love of God why can't you people see this? Or is God, and His morality, what you have a problem with? Years ago, I predicted that the mainstreaming of child molestation would come on the heels of gay rights, and here it is! May God help us all.

  2. Hey, didn't your God make Szad too????

  3. I don't know, I'll ask Him when I see Him. In the meantime, our nation's children need to be protected from predators like Szad. For the past four decades I, and the rest of America, was assured by gay rights advocates that there was no "slippery slope" to pedophilia, and that I had an irrational fear known as "homophobia." Apparently, my concerns were well founded. NAMBLA is not a paranoid delusion, and was originally part of the gay rights movement in the 1970's until massive public backlash forced them out. I remember the TV interviews. I think it was Barbara Walters who did them.

  4. confusion over sexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia which is a crime of domination; if a person is not sure of being gay or straight, he is not raping children; pedophiles have been quoted as saying they cannot be cured because the crime is not about sex

  5. Former house majority leader Tom DeLay in a letter defending former house speaker and serial child rapist Dennis Hastart: "He is a good man that loves the Lord. He gets his integrity and values from Him." Gary Schaefer had a very religious background as well and Szad seems pretty keen himself. Maybe God, and His morality is exactly what I have a problem with.

    1. God keeps getting misinterpreted; been going on for several thousand years now. People 'hear' what they want to hear, to justify what they want to do.

  6. Sure, judge us all by the actions of a few frauds and hypocrites. That is the essence of prejudice, and the birthplace of bigotry. Dennis Hastert and all the others you could mention are acting against the morality of God, as spelled out in the Bible, as well as the Koran, the Torah, and I'm sure the Dalai Lama would have nothing good to say about it either. This in fact proves my point, it is the LACK of morality that is the problem, not the solution.

  7. Mind blowing! Can't we send them to an island somewhere? How much more tolerant will this country become? People with degrees make $20.00 an hour. This "thing" has no right to live, sorry. I'm sorry your childhood sucked....doesn't give you the right to suck on children. A human being would not do that. WTH!!

  8. chuck gregory5/1/16, 8:57 PM

    The purpose of any nation's system of punishment is supposed to be to ensure some degree of closure for the victim and of safety for the general populace, not merely to satisfy the spleen of the righteous.

    How does the victim view the offender's present status? Let's focus on whether he has been able to come to closure. Even the Pope managed to forgive the Turk who tried to assassinate him.


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