Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Woman gets three years for fifth escape

A Springfield probationer who cut the GPS tracking bracelet off her ankle late last summer and disappeared for a month and a half before she was recaptured will, as a consequence, spend the next three years in jail without further access to furlough opportunities.



  1. Eight previous felony convictions with five escapes and Vermont's judiciary grants her release?

    Hope you idiots that continue to vote for the liberals that appoint these judges are pleased. Predators like Amber Harmon prey on the the most vulnerable as they has little fear of consequences. I wont hold my breath expecting an outcry for change from our Montpelier contingency. How about it Emmons and Forguites, does Springfield deserve this or are your liberal buddies in Montpelier more important?

  2. "This is her fifth escape".

    "Harmon, who has an extensive series of convictions on her criminal record including eight previous felony convictions for check forgeries, identity thefts, and previous escapes dating back to 2001, had been released on furlough to a relative’s residence on Main Street in Springfield and fitted with the ankle bracelet."

    C'mon Judge DiMauro just give her another chance. Liberals unite and demand FREEDOM for AMBER HAMHEAD.

    Can the Vermont Criminal Justice System look anymore idiotic in fighting crime?

  3. Even Karl Marx recognized the existence of what he called the "lumpenproletariat," meaning useless people. I believe this to be the case with many of the people who appear in this blog. Why many on the left can't see this is beyond me. I'm hardly what most would consider a conservative, just a realist who is baffled by the inability of some to acknowledge the obvious.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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