Last week the Springfield Town Democratic Committee (STDC) presented a $100 check to George Karabakakis, CEO of Health Care and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS) Springfield, to show its appreciation for using the HCRS conference room for meetings and guest events.

2016-05-25 / Springfield
STDC makes donation to HCRS
Chuck Gregory (left) presenting George Karabaakis (right) with a check for the Emergency Services team at HCRS. — COURTESY
Chuck Gregory (left) presenting George Karabaakis (right) with a check for the Emergency Services team at HCRS. — COURTESY
Last week the Springfield Town Democratic Committee (STDC) presented a $100 check to George Karabakakis, CEO of Health Care and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS) Springfield, to show its appreciation for using the HCRS conference room for meetings and guest events. Although the conference room is available to community groups free of charge, the STDC has been quite impressed with the overall hospitality and friendliness of the staff who schedule the meetings and set the room up to accommodate for different types of meetings. It was decided by the committee to donate the money to the HCRS Emergency Services.
The HCRS Emergency Services team is available to serve people in Windsor and Windham counties 24/7 every day of the year. In addition to their hotline for people with a mental health emergency, HCRS has trained personnel to provide face to face support and screening to assess the appropriate level of care. The Emergency Services team also provides mobile response serving people and their families in homes, community organizations, primary care offices, police departments, court houses and the local hospitals. Also included on the Emergency Services team are police liaisons from five participating towns, who are mental health professionals. The emergency contact number is 1-800- 622-4235.
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