Friday, July 15, 2016

Police detail sex charge against ex-jail nurse

Police have outlined details of a former prison nurse's alleged sexual relationship with a prisoner.

Prison nurse arraignment continued
A superior court judge has granted a “motion to continue,” rescheduling an original arraignment date of July 12 to Aug. 23 in the case of alleged sexual misconduct between a correctional facility-contracted nurse and the inmate she was treating.    



  1. Philip Caron7/15/16, 5:59 PM

    There's some oddities in this story. For one, apparently the inmate is the defendant and provided evidence against the nurse, and that's certainly possible and possibly understandable, but without further explanation it seems odd.

    Then it reports that the two had intercourse on multiple occasions concealed under a blanket or behind a chair. Possibly my definition of intercourse is too narrow, or maybe my idea of blanket or chair is, but this seems a little hard to imagine.

    Then there's the evidence of photos showing the defendant in "scandalous clothing". I'm surprised it's still possible for clothing to be scandalous.

  2. The Eagle Times article makes it clear that the inmate is a damfool as well as a Teller of Tales.

  3. For her punishment she must have a "Scarlet Letter", an "A", tattooed upon her forehead for all to see.

    Doesn't the legal system have anything better to do than to try this women? Like prosecuting violent criminals or drug dealers? She certainly didn't harm the prisoner who got lucky. It was obviously her own form of therapy for a sick man.

  4. Hey why not at 2 for 1. He can now sue DOC! Make it seem that she forced the intercourse.


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