Stanford University confirms Democrat election fraud - Bernie would have won !
A bombshell study released by Stanford University in August confirms evidence of election fraud during the 2016 Democratic Party primaries.
Also: Odds Hillary won without widespread fraud: 1 in 77 billion say Berkeley, Stanford studies
Election watchdog group says fraud cost Sanders 184 delegates
“Adding these delegates to Senator Sanders’ pledged delegate total and subtracting the same number from Hillary Clinton’s total would more than erase the 359 pledged delegate gap between the two candidates,” the newly released report states.
Brief summary:
Full 99 page report here
Votes are now being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers in 28 states, including Vermont.
Fractionalized vote counting – Instead of “1” the vote is allowed to be 1/2, or 1+7/8, or any other value that is not a whole number.
Video: Uncounted - The Tragic Story of Athan Gibbs
In 2004, Athan Gibbs, President and CEO of TruVote International, demonstrated a voting machine that provides two separate voting receipts.
The first paper receipt displays the voter's touch screen selection under plexiglass that falls into a lockbox after the voter approves. Also, the TruVote system provides the voter with a receipt that includes a unique voter ID and pin number which can be used to call in to a voter audit internet connection to make sure the vote cast was actually counted.
Brooks Thomas, Coordinator of Elections in Tennessee, stated, "I've not seen anything that compares to the Gibbs' TruVote validation system. . . ." The Assistant Secretary of State of Georgia, Terrel L. Slayton, Jr., claimed Gibbs had come up with the "perfect solution."
Athan Gibbs wondered, "Why would you buy a voting machine from a company like Diebold which provides a paper trail for every single machine it makes except its voting machines? And then, when you ask it to verify its numbers, it hides behind 'trade secrets.'"
Diebold, a contributor to the Hillary Clinton campaign, has a long history of election abnormalities. In 2006, a popular six term African-American Congresswoman named Cynthia McKinney lost her seat because, in the runoff for her re-election, her name was not anywhere on the Diebold Computerized ballots in key precincts, making it impossible for her supporters to vote for her. They protested the rigged Diebold ballots but got nowhere. Though millions of Americans complained about the Diebolding of McKinney, DNC Chairman Howard Dean refused to do anything to protect voting integrity.