Thursday, September 8, 2016

Ex-jail nurse admits sex with inmate

A former prison nurse accused of having sex with an inmate during his regular visits to the Springfield jail's infirmary struck a plea deal with prosecutors Tuesday.

Former prison nurse pleads guilty after sexual misconduct
A former Springfield nurse has been released on 3-year probation and a suspended sentence after pleading guilty to one count of reckless endangerment and two counts of sexual exploitation of a confined inmate at Southern State Correctional Facility.


  1. Perhaps the legal system could find more important cases to pursue and stop wasting time and dollars on blowing up petty offenses? In the mean time the state is being overrun by real criminals that are engaging in much more dangerous pursuits than consensual sex between adults.

  2. if it was a male nurse and female inmate it would be rape and the person would be on the sex offender list

    1. In that case, the victim would not have indicated it was "consensual". Key word.

  3. Exactly. This is nobody's business.

  4. I join in with the earlier commenters; apparently our Legal system has very little to do these days if they have the time to pursue a case like this. With all of the serious crime going on in this area, this case really strains the credibility of our court system.

    1. Since when is a medical professional having sex with a patient while at the same time undergoing dialysis not a serious matter? But I bet you'd be the first person to call the police if someone backed into your car in a parking lot and took off.

  5. What? Why no sentence requiring the wearing of a scarlet "A"?

  6. chuck gregory9/7/16, 5:25 PM

    ... and then in the name of love the staffer starts sneaking in contraband, and the guards are puzzled by discovering prisoners with money, weapons and whatnot. But the situation is resolved when the escape attempt succeeds.

    Sorry, but it is a serious matter.

  7. I think the inmate won! Becky is beautiful woman!

  8. You may have noticed the Vt State Board of Nursing revoked her Registered Nursing (RN) license. She was employed by a private agency, and they are typically paid a higher wage than staff. So folks, Becky was doing it on the taxpayers time and money. Medical professionals are held to high standards of judgment and decorum. Her critical thinking skills were on the back burner on this one.

  9. It happens all of the time. When I worked there, we were shaking the back offices where education takes place & I found a pair of Womens underwear hidden under the trash. A senior Officer was with me & would not allow me to report it to my shift supervisor. Remember that Gregory Pitts? COII and has everyone buffaloed!

  10. Correctional Officer Grade 2?


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