By Heather Hall, Executive Director

2016-09-24 / Community
Springfield Senior Center news
By Heather Hall, Executive Director
On Monday, Sept. 26, Patti Kimball from Senior Solutions will be at the enior Center from 1 to 3 p.m. to meet one-on-one with people to discuss different matters around Medicare. Appointments are not necessary, Patti will see people on a first-come, first-served basis.
On Wednesday, Sept. 28, we will be holding our Annual Meeting to discuss the Senior Center finances. During this meeting, we will also review the election of new officers and learn about how all the fundraising and donation money that we receive throughout the year is spent. We will vote on different allocations of money- all active members are welcome to attend. After the Annual Meeting, there will be an Ice Cream Social and meet and greet with the “new” director for everyone in attendance of the Annual Meeting.
On Thursday, Sept. 29, we will be hosting a VNA Flu Clinic from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Appointments are not necessary and it is a first-come, first-served basis. The Flu Clinic is free to individuals with Medicare Part B insurance plans. If you do not have Medicare Part B insurance, the cost is $25 per person. Please make sure to bring your insurance cards and a form of ID with you when you come to the Flu Clinic.
Looking ahead at our October special events on Wednesday afternoons:
Oct. 5 — Game Day. Join us for an afternoon of fun and games. From card games like Hand and Foot to Spades, all games are welcome. If you have an idea on something that you would like to play, please speak with Heather or someone from the Activities Committee about it. Oct. 12 — Captain John Claflin of the Springfield Fire Department will be joining us to provide a class on important safety tips for seniors. The class will start at 1 p.m. and will be followed by an Ice Cream Social.
Oct. 19 — Bingo and October birthdays.
Oct. 26 — Join us for our Halloween Celebration. From food and games to a special guest entertainer, the afternoon will be filled with lots of fun, laughs and surprises. Also, back by popular demand, will be a costume contest. Get ready to put on your best costume because there will be prizes for whomever wins the contest. If you have any questions on the information presented above, please reach out to Heather Hall, executive director, at (802) 885-3933 or email her at
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