Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Woman held after stabbing incident

A Springfield woman was ordered held without bail this week after she allegedly stabbed her boyfriend in his calf with a paring knife during an argument in their kitchen.



  1. Another one of Springfield's finest behaving true to form!

  2. Sounds like Hillary. "I remember nothing, I has concussion."

  3. In his calf tho?

  4. If this State does not have habitual offender laws, this is a classic case for why it should!!

  5. Anyone wish to debate the merits of forced sterilization?

    1. Philip Caron9/6/16, 9:01 PM

      My opinion is that sterilization should be the default, medically administered to all before puberty, with a counter-operation performed for adult couples who express a wish for it and meet certain requirements. (I've never had anyone concur with this.)

    2. And who says mass production has left Springfield ?

    3. At least sterilize those that have had 2 or more children that show no sign or progress of becoming sustainable, or of becoming responsible parents.

    4. chuck gregory9/9/16, 11:37 AM

      Well, Jesus was born to a single mother who perhaps avoided being stoned to death while pregnant because some good-hearted schlub married her despite knowing her condition.

      We really can't impose birth control on anybody, and many of history's greatest people would not have been born had a sterilization policy been in place. What we have to do is support the children so they can grow up to be better than their parents.

    5. I don't think Jesus had anything to do with this one. As to the children turning out better than their parents, good luck! I've been watching part of my own family who are now in their third generation of welfare dependance. Each generation gets worse!!!!!

    6. Philip Caron9/10/16, 9:15 PM

      One might imagine that a lot more people would have become great if some kind of population control had been in effect. However, I'm skeptical about the long-term effects of "great people". There are terrible problems of universal import throughout the world, great people notwithstanding. Those problems largely reflect human instincts and nature, especially the built-in tendencies for greed, laziness, fear, delusion, and violence - the so-called baser instincts. Those instincts are winning.

      It would be great to raise children with higher ideals, but if their parents can't be bothered then how can society effect it? Only by some kind of intervening control, of either population or rearing, both of which would be sharply objectionable and contentious in large segments of society.

      Population control, in the form of limiting procreation to couples that at least want to raise a child, sounds like the cheaper alternative. The goal isn't more "great" people, just more good ones.
      But I realize that's a crazy unworkable idea. Many people believe they have a right to procreate for any reason.

    7. chuck gregory9/12/16, 5:32 PM

      Phillip, "great people" happen largely by accident. It's a matter of matching the talent to the times. Gregory Mendel, the discoverer of the basic laws of heredity, should have been a great person, but his genius was not discovered until after he'd died. If Einstein had come up with the Theory of Relativity a hundred years earlier, he'd have been dismissed as a madman. And look at all the other people who have called themselves the Son of God.

      Plus, children aren't really taught; they actually spend their childhood learning, despite what they are told. It's really nice when what they learn matches what we try to teach them, but it's often just happenstance. Two things that naturally reduce the birthrate are electricity and feminism. When rural areas get electrified, the birth rate goes down. When women have the power to do what they want, the birth rate goes down.

  6. The real problem is that our nation's culture has deteriorated to such an extent that the lowest denominators are now calling the shots. The unfortunate downside of unchecked populism is that it degenerates into what Marx would (I believe) have referred to as "lumpenproletarianism," a condition where such things as honesty, decency, and self contriol are viewed as undesireable. Only the negative aspects of human (or inhuman) nature are transferred to the next generation. An ever downward spiral of trashiness is the result. This is happening across all racial and economic groups. When we allowed it to become cool to be "ghetto" or "redneck" we abdicated the cultural direction of this country to the rock bottom worst of society. Parents, political and social leaders should begin denouncing these elements, rather than capitalizing on them for votes or money. We need to change the attitudes of the "average American" or we can only expect more incidents like this one.

  7. chuck gregory9/12/16, 5:24 PM

    Hey, 4:22! I am offended by your reference to Wall Street as 'the lowest common denominator.' They're the only group in America that constantly gets away with breaking the law, but that's no reason to insult them.

    1. Oh, come on now, Chuck. Wall Street isn't to blame for everything. I doubt the woman in question even knows where it is! It's not about who "gets away with it," it's about a society where people don't TRY to get away with crime, and then try to justify it by blaming Wall Street! It's about having higher social standards, and then following them, as individuals. It's one thing to condemn Wall Street (as I believe we should) but it's total hypocracy to do it after stabbing someone. Not being a criminal yourself makes it a whole lot easier to critcize those who are. And being a criminal IS a choice!


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