The Main Street/Clinton Street Bridge no has a name, the "Desert Storm Veteran's Bridge" in honor of the veterans from the Springfield Area as well as all the veterans that served during Iraq Desert Storm conflict period.

2016-10-08 / Local
Bridge's new name honors veterans
Pictured is the new sign designating the Main Street/Clinton Street Bridge in Springfield, Vermont as the "Desert Storm Veteran's Bridge" in honor of the veterans from the Springfield Area as well as all the veterans that served during Iraq Desert Storm conflict period. The many hours of effort to accomplish the designation through the State Department of Transportation with final approval coming from the Springfield Selectboard was done by Springfield Veteran of Foreign Wars Post 771 member Gerald Patch. The signs were provided to the town by the Springfield VFW Post 771 at no cost to the town as a community service in honor of those veterans. The members of the Vermont Veteran's of Foreign Wars have also been active to have one of the highways in Vermont designated in honor of the Desert Storm Veterans and was recently notified that Vermont Route 22A on the west side of the state has been named "Desert Storm Veterans Memorial Highway."
For every one who died, seven came home with injuries and forty came home with PTSD. That's an intolerably high price to pay for believing that we were saving America from Iraq.
ReplyDeleteAnd a large number of them are not receiving the treatment they deserve.
At least we did save Wall Street by spending $24 trillion, so maybe it's a wash....
And guys like Doug Johnston and Robbie Blish - who went to Desert Storm - get crapped on by idiot comments that are hardly "polite and on-topic"
ReplyDeleteYeah, if any of those guys comment here, we'll be all over them...