Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Study: Tax difference sways shoppers toward NH

It has been a few years since Vermont border towns had the opportunity to take part in a tax-free retail shopping day. With a recent study linking tax rates to cross-border economy, a sampling of local business owners and Chambers of Commerce appears to indicate support for bringing back the event.


Video: Shopping local, 'Gangnam Style'
"I'm not saying everyone should come from around the country and shop in Rockingham," Mike Smith explained. "I'm saying people from Springfield should shop in Springfield. People from Burlington should shop in Burlington." (FACT TV, 2012)


  1. Jay - Why do you always get the heavy end?

  2. if you live in Springfield, it doesn't matter,after you pay your town,school and sewer/water taxes,you don't have much left to buy anything else

  3. In other news, Kavet, Rockler and Associates submits study declaring the sky is blue. Montpelier progressives recoil in disbelief!

  4. It isn't just the lack of sales tax that drives people over the river, IT'S THE LACK OF STORES HERE! After paying for gas, I don't save very much, but at least I have some selection!

    1. The lack of stores IS BECAUSE OF THE SALES TAX and VT minimum wage being so much higher than NH. It's not a level playing field.

  5. Gotta love it, go to NH and buy bottles or cans, VT pays you 5 cents each when empty !! TAX FREE.


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