Friday, March 17, 2017

Sanders rails against Trump, GOP in Springfield

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., urged a crowd of more than 1,500 here to join the fight against President Donald Trump’s budget plan, which he said would hurt those who could least afford it.

Bernie Sanders’ Claim (Where Fake News Comes From) 
By John McClaughry,  Vice president of the Ethan Allen Institute, Montpelier, VT

Our own Bernie Sanders issued a tweet last month that attracted national attention.

Glenn Kessler runs the Washington Post fact checker page. He wrote “”we looked at this tweet from Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders: “As Republicans try to repeal the Affordable Care Act, they should be reminded every day that 36,000 people will die yearly as a result.”

“Sanders obtained the figure of 36,000 from a calculation by ThinkProgress, a left-leaning website, according to his aides. Essentially, ThinkProgress assumed that repeal will result in 29.8 million people losing their insurance and that one person will die for every 830 people who lose their insurance. That yields a number of 35,903.

“The number of 29.8 million comes from an Urban Institute report that assumes Republicans will repeal parts of the law through the reconciliation process without outlining any replacement plan, thus leading to a near collapse of the nongroup insurance market. That’s a pretty big assumption.

“Sanders has tweeted as a definite fact an estimate that a) assumes Republicans will gut Obamacare without a replacement b) assumes the worst possible impact from that policy and c) assumes that data derived from the Massachusetts experience can be applied across the United States.

Those are three very big assumptions. Take away any one of them, and Sanders’s claim that repeal of the law will cause 36,000 people to die a year falls apart.

The Washington Post Fact Checker gave Sanders a maximum of Four Pinocchios.



  1. Another gratuitous performance of fear mongering and class envy from a lifelong, on-the-dole gas bag who has never known a day of real work in his life. Count on Sanders to bring his political sideshow to desperate towns like Springfield, where he knows there will be a big appetite for the "free" snake oil remedies that he's been hawking for decades. Then it's back to the cushy life in DC or the Lake Champlain lake house. Just another carnival barker who's preyed on the hapless victims of his self-serving political puffery for far too long.

    1. And what is Teflon Don ?

  2. ^ AMEN and massive kudos to the above post!!!!!
    Trump has accomplished far more to benefit working class Americans in his first 2 months in politics than Sanders has in 30 years. Please, can anyone name one, damn thing Sanders has accomplished that benefits working class Vermonters? Please, just one thing. At what point do these hapless, underachievers finally catch on and fully comprehend Sanders will never deliver Jack Squat?

  3. hit the nail on the head right there

    1. The Goat Rustler3/18/17, 6:41 PM

      You conservatives talk on and on about what Trump has done for working people in his few weeks in office. NAME ONE SPECIFIC THING. Trump has never done anything for anyone except Trump. He spent HIS entire life SCREWING working people, while building hotels and golf courses for the wealthy. What has he done as President? NOTHING, except cause our enemies to mock us, and our allies to distrust us! With every one of his insane Twitter rants, we lose credibility around the globe; and it's only a matter of time before his policies start screwing a lot of the people who voted for him. Think I'm wrong? I knew a lot of Bush supporters who had the same delusional beliefs about W, until they lost their jobs, all the equity in their homes, and watched helplessly as their investments dried up and blew away! They were cursing him by the time he left office. And Trump is worse. WAY WORSE. Bernie is the most popular political figure in America. Trump? Not so much.

    2. Goat Rustler: How do you know that the above posts are not from rich and wealthy people who play on Trumps golf havens and stay in Trumps gold lined hotels ??

    3. I guess you didn't want to take the time to list all of Sanders accomplishments in tour empty rebuttal.

    4. The Goat Rustler3/21/17, 9:25 AM

      Anon. 1:25, nobody around here has that much money, NOBODY! You people don't even have a CLUE as to how much the 1% actually has! I DO. When you see a billionaire throw 50k in cash at someone's head, and not ask for it back, JUST TO PISS THEM OFF, then you'll know what REAL money looks like! (It was the piano player at the Drake Hotel, she made 100k in TIPS that night.) By the way, these very same people mocked Trump daily, his "wealth" was chump change to them. So, Springfield Conservatives, get off your high horses; you're closer to the "scammers" and "bums" than you are to the top. A LOT CLOSER! I'll tell you one thing Bernie does; he makes sure that the State of Vermont gets more in Federal dollars that it pays in taxes, so you can stop whining about that, too.

    5. Gee Goater, I didn't mean to make you mad.

    6. Sounds like Goat Rustler was in the front row of this event, Bernie is for Bernie, and building followers, Bernie is not looking out for the best for all American's. His liberal policies go over well in the liberal socialist state, the only reason he was making a big showing is because is opponent with Hillary the "evil witch" from Arkansas whom the American people have seen right through. Trump may not be the best choice, but given the alternative's in Nov of 2016 the "right" choice.

  4. I don't think there are many rich people I Vermont taking advantage of Trumps policies. Sanders is a socialist with 3 luxurious homes. He is full of hot air. Another AL Gore..

  5. What an old bag, spouting off, never held a real job in his life... why would his followers get a job... their just following his lead... live off the government at the expense of the working tax payers...

  6. Alot of his followers have jobs-those paid by us taxpayers. So they already get top of the line health care, time off, FML etc-they are teachers. Perhaps they should see what it is like for us that are forced to spend thousands per year on health premiums.

  7. I voted for Trump because the cost of my medical insurance will go down.
    And I want preserve clean air and water.

  8. How many people have forgotten that Bernie is a wealthy new yorker


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