A short-lived competition for two open seats on the Springfield Planning Commission ended Monday night when the Select Board appointed Walter Wallace and Char Osterlund to the board.

Two picked for planning board
Rutland Herald | March 29, 2017
SPRINGFIELD — A short-lived competition for two open seats on the Springfield Planning Commission ended Monday night when the Select Board appointed Walter Wallace and Char Osterlund to the board.
The board went behind closed doors to talk to the five candidates who were scheduled to interview for the two open seats, but two of the candidates never showed up, said Select Board Chairman Kristi Morris.
Wallace and Osterlund were the unanimous choices of the board. The other candidate interviewed was Randy Gray.
Morris said the candidates were interviewed individually and asked the same six questions, and then were ranked according to how they answered the questions.
The questions ranged from the candidate’s experience with municipal government or committees, to what they thought was the “biggest improvement to Springfield.”
The candidates also were asked what they thought was the biggest challenge to new development in town; whether they had a goal to accomplish during their time on the Planning Commission; and what role the Planning Commission could play with the town’s efforts at economic development and revitalization?
The final question dealt with a vote by the planning commission in December not to review the new downtown master plan.
Selectman Walter Martone, who is an ex-officio member of the Planning Commission, specifically asked that potential candidates be asked the master plan question. Martone is a strong supporter of a downtown streetscape plan.
Wallace and Osterlund will replace Wilbur Horton, the current chairman who didn’t seek reappointment, and John Hall, who resigned. Morris said the two candidates who didn’t show up despite applying for the positions, Stacy Stillson and Nathan Wardell, said they had decided not to pursue the appointment.
The relative strong interest in the board was a stark contrast to prior years, when positions went begging for applicants.
Osterlund is the co-chairwoman of the Springfield Energy Committee.
Wallace, who is recently retired, has worked at Dartmouth- Hitchcock Medical Center and taught English and humanities in the Vermont State College system.
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