Jerry P. Jasinski is one of 14 selectees to be inducted into the Vermont Principal’s Association (VPA) Hall of Fame at the Capitol Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, Montpelier, Vermont on May 5, 2017.

Jerry P. Jasinski is one of 14 selectees to be inducted into the Vermont Principal’s Association (VPA) Hall of Fame at the Capitol Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, Montpelier, Vermont on May 5, 2017.
The VPA Hall of Fame is organized as a means of recognizing, preserving and promoting the heritage of interscholastic athletics/activities in Vermont. Jasinski is being honored for his contributions as the founder and director of the Vermont State Decathlon/Heptathlon Championships for 35 years and for his role as a football, basketball and track & field official in the State of Vermont for over 40 years.
Jerry P. Jasinski was selected to be inducted into the VPA Hall of Fame. Photo provided
Jasinski, a Professor of Chemistry at Keene State College, Keene, New Hampshire for the past 39 years has accumulated a lifetime of enormous achievement and success since he graduated from the University of New Hampshire (UNH) in 1964 as an educator / researcher with a focus on chemistry and service to the profession, community and state of Vermont. He grew up in Newport, New Hampshire and graduated from Towle High School in 1958 where he was co-captain of the football, basketball and track & field teams.
A first team Union Leader All-State Football player, he was a member of the 1958 NH Shrine Maple Sugar Bowl football team and served as a Shrine Bowl game official in 2008, fifty-years later. He was a member of three NH state championship track & field teams (1955, 57, 58) at Towle and held the NH state high jump record for 10 years and was elected to the Newport (Towle) High School Athletic Hall of Fame (’11).
He was the meet director and/or an official for Vermont State championship track & field meets in Vermont for over 40 years in all three divisions. At UNH he was a member of the varsity basketball and track & field teams. At Keene State College (KSC), he served as the assistant coach of track & field for 18 years and coached numerous All-Americans and National Champions, including KSC’s first ever national champion, Paul Trocki (decathlon, ‘79). He coached on four Little East Conference Men’s Track & Field Championship teams (1998, ‘99, ‘00, ‘08) and 10 Little East Conference Women’s runner-up Track & Field Teams (‘00-‘10); School records were established and/or broken in nearly every event – men & women. During this time he also served as a men’s & women’s collegiate basketball official for 10 years in the New England arena.
He spent three years at Stevens High School, Claremont, New Hampshire, as a physics teacher, assistant coach of football and basketball and head track & field coach. At Springfield High School, Springfield, Vermont he taught chemistry & physics for five years and served as assistant football coach and head track & field coach. His boys Track & Field teams were Connecticut Valley Conference (CVS) champs three times and Southern Vermont district champs two times during his short stay there.
School records were also established and/or broken at SHS in nearly every event – boys & girls. For 18 years, Jasinski established and directed the Springfield Pee Wee Football League (SPWFL) engaging over 130 players per year. In 1995 he was awarded the Vermont Sigma Heroes Award for his contributions to the Vermont Track & Field Community, the Vermont State Decathlon/Heptathlon and the SPWFL.
Jasinski currently lives in Springfield, Vermont with his wife, Jacquelin and has two daughters Jana, Jennifer and a son John.
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