A Windsor man has denied several charges related to a police chase that allegedly reached 120 mph between Claremont, New Hampshire, and Springfield.
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Man denies charges in high-speed chase
Rutland Herald | April 14, 2017
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION — A Windsor man has denied several charges related to a police chase that allegedly reached 120 mph between Claremont, New Hampshire, and Springfield.
Judge Theresa DiMauro ordered Wayne Keough, 39, held on $100,000 bail, saying a “substantial” amount was warranted in this case.
“(He) is without question a risk of flight,” she said Tuesday in White River Junction criminal court, adding Keough has not been “cooperative at all” with the court process.
Defense attorney Erik Braghirol pushed for a lower bail amount, citing his ties to the area, while Deputy State’s Attorney Glenn Barnes recommended $100,000.
Barnes read aloud some of Keough’s past Vermont criminal record, which includes convictions for escape, assault and several violations of probation and conditions of release.
Keough pleaded not guilty to felony counts of eluding police; driving under the influence, third offense; and test refusal. He also denied misdemeanor counts of resisting arrest and driving with a suspended license.
Keough, who was wrapped in a blanket and yawned at times throughout the hearing, also pleaded not guilty to a felony escape charge. He was on escape status from the Springfield prison at the time of the chase, for failing to abide by residence and curfew restrictions in another court case.
For about a month, corrections officers didn’t know where Keough was, the prosecutor said.
New Hampshire authorities are in the process of filing charges against Keough, who Claremont police tried to pull over early Monday because he was the suspect in a carjacking with a knife at Wal-Mart over the weekend.
Keough is accused of leading police on a chase in Claremont and weaving in and out of traffic at speeds of 120 mph on Interstate 91 south into Springfield.
Police said he crashed at the intersection of Main and South streets and tried to continue on, but the car was stuck in soft grass.
He resisted arrest, forcing two police officers to deploy their stun guns, the police affidavit stated.
Police said Keough refused a breath test, but told police he had 18 to 20 beers.
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