Springfield Community Chorus will present a grand choral fanfare to mark their 50th year celebration.

2017-04-27 / Arts & Entertainment
Springfield Community Chorus marks 50th anniversary
The Springfield Community Chorus performs Sunday, May 7 at the Springfield High School Auditorium.
The Springfield Community Chorus performs Sunday, May 7 at the Springfield High School Auditorium.
SPRINGFIELD — Springfield Community Chorus will present a grand choral fanfare to mark their 50th year celebration. Not only will the chorus be collaborating with the Bennington County Choral Society to sing "Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's symphony No. 9 with a full orchestra accompanying, but the chorus will also perform an original piece, "When Music Sounds" written by Vermont composer Zeke Hecker. This piece was especially composed for the 50th year celebration. Hecker lives in Guilford, Vermont. The SCC's conductor, Ken Olsson will be directing both of these pieces.
The concert in Springfield will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, May 7 at the Springfield High School auditorium. For more details, visit www.springfieldcommunity chorus.org.
A former Springfield Community Chorus director, Candace Montesi, will return to conduct some of her favorite pieces, "Distant, " by John Rutter, "The Silence and the Song," by Mark Patterson and "Stars I Shall Find," by David Dickau with words from a poem by Sara Teasdale and several others. Ken Olsson, director of the chorus, will be accompanying Montesi.
The Bennington County Choral Society is directed by Cailin Manson Marcel Manson. Check their web page for their season of concerts at www.benningtoncountychoralsociety.org. The chorus will perform at 7 p.m. Saturday, May 6 at the Mt. Anthony Union Middle School in Bennington, Vermont.
This concert is made possible, in part, by a generous grant from the Choral Arts Foundation of the Upper Valley.
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