Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Priest's 160-sq-ft house has all the comforts of home

Father Peter Williams built himself a house that has all the comforts of home: a full kitchen, a bathroom with a toilet and shower, a dining area, a living area with a drop-down television, a propane furnace and even electric radiant heat under the laminate wood flooring. It's all part of his towable, tiny house.



  1. chuck gregory5/9/17, 10:49 AM

    This is what George McNaughton and others were talking about as a possibility in Springfield. Does anyone have any updates on it?

  2. Chuck, it is pretty easy to already find some small homes to house the addicted. The standard size is 84 inches long, 28 inches wide, and 23 inches high.

  3. Anonymous, your post disgusts me. You have no idea what you are talking about and I am glad that you are so free of care for these type of people. Addiction is a disease and these people deserve more compassion than you appear to be willing to give. By the way, your disgusting post was the cause of my first post to this sight.

    1. Addiction is a disorder, not a disease. It is manifested by self destructive, compulsive behavior no different than self-cutting and body piercing mutilation. There is absolutely no physiological diagnosis for these and other disorders. Such behavior is entirely elective and not to be validated as anything more than psychotic illness.

  4. why is addiction a disease ? the way i see it,it is a choice,they made the choice to stick the needle in their arm,they made the choice to put the straw up their nose,they made the choice to take those pills,they made the choice to drink the bottle of booze,people do not get addicted the first time they try all of this,they made the choice to continue doing it.

    1. True story. Too many people walking around crying poor me. They got into the situation I didn't.

  5. chuck gregory5/11/17, 10:52 AM

    Unless we as a society understand the nature of addiction and treat its causes, we will continue to be victimized by its effects, just like the peasants of Europe used to be victimized by the monarchy.

    Dr. Gabor explains the nature of it very well in this video.


    How should we respond to this information to make Springfield a better place?

  6. Chuck, I think for the first offense the perps should be locked into stocks or a pillory in full view of the public for a week. For repeat offenders a public execution would be appropriate. These methods were used quite successfully for many years in the early days of our country when it was great. Let's stop the liberal bleeding heart PC methods that are failing. Let's make America great again!

    1. They are in full view. Just go to the plaza parking lot and you will see a car sitting there right up front dealing drugs out the window. Guess you can just walk up and knock. Sick.

  7. chuck gregory5/12/17, 7:40 AM

    3:09, you forgot castration and sterilization. You also forgot to add your name, Boss Hogg!

  8. I guess I am missing something in the article. No mention of addicts. Fill me in.

    1. Just haters doing their thing, all contexts being equal.


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