Springfield is itching to begin projects that will draw businesses and shoppers to the area. Meanwhile, town officials said they'll need some help doing that.
Springfield hopes for TIF money, plans for revitalization
WPTZ | Updated: 8:15 AM EDT May 5, 2017
Helena Battipaglia
NBC5 Reporter
Springfield is itching to begin projects that will draw businesses and shoppers to the area. Meanwhile, town officials said they'll need some help doing that.
“Our downtown is not very vibrant right now,” Town Manager Tom Yennerell said.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) would give Springfield bond money to pursue projects that could help revitalize the area. The project the town has in mind includes a parking deck, costing over $700,000.
Development officials said they believe Springfield needs the money because it faces challenges other towns don't have to deal with.
“Property values down here, both residential and commercial are significantly less than other parts of the state. That means the return on investment is more challenging to make a case for,” Executive Director of the Springfield Regional Development Corporation Bob Flint said.
One of Gov. Phil Scott's top priorities includes an economic development bill, allowing more downtowns to create special TIF districts to attract business.
A parking deck? What is this, "Field of Dreams"? If we build it, they will come? Ummm.. if there are no vital businesses downtown, why would we need more parking? Seems like putting the cart before the horse.
Anything with Bob Flint's name attached means a pipe dream with taxpayers on the hook. I wonder who will get the contracts for building an empty parking facility? I suppose they could convert it into apartments for drug addicts eventually.
Anonymous 11:07 pm you hit it right on....Bob flint needs to be sent down the road...many people avoid downtown now. This will make things worse. With 11 empty store fronts, what is there to bring anyone?
I fear BF is wisely biding his time to be gifted a Montpelier gravy job exactly like his predecessor, PMP. PMP became directer of SRDC thru blatant nepotism. Her tenure was a disaster with many firms leaving the community and abject failure to replace them. Now, she is raking in close to $200K having ridden the ladder of political appointments, albeit achieving Jack Squat. No, Bob is playing it smart and I can't say I blame him.
If you put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig. Wouldn't it be better to have an influx of businesses come in and THEN say we need parking for all of this economy.
You're on the right track Dog, but it's part of the scam. The ongoing misappropriation of such grants allows for "administration expense" skimming and kick backs from contract awards. Think not? Follow the disappearing money the property mgmt co. known as SRDC has sifted thru its sticky fingers.
There's a distinct reason no retail enterprise can flourish down town. It's the 800 lb gorilla in the room the Selectboard, Spfld On The Move, and SRDC are all afraid to mention.
Back in the old days when Main street in Springfield was lined with businesses there was diagonal parking, plenty of room then. Get out of the box and think.
I've lived here since the 1950's, and I don't remember diagonal parking. I might be wrong. It wasn't diagonal during driver's ed in 1970 or any time since. So, what old days are you talking about?
Other businesses have failed in the past because of parking ya dolts. Did you turn your hearing aids on for the full news story, or are you just itching to whine and complain over anyone trying to pump some life into this corpse of a town you all love to hate, and refuse to leave?
There is more involved than the Parking. While I agree with a national study done back in the 70's regarding the relationship of parking and the decline of historical downtowns, which suggested that parking was not a big factor. I am in favor of the TIF which is the main point of the article, as there are other elements of the project which are important in getting retail back into our numerous vacant storefronts. Unfortunately, the legislature is busy making sausage with the TIF legislation which the Governor supported, but might wind up vetoing if the Committees keep tacking on poison pills. We have several Committee Chairs in the legislature who are no friends of Springfield.
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A parking deck? What is this, "Field of Dreams"? If we build it, they will come? Ummm.. if there are no vital businesses downtown, why would we need more parking? Seems like putting the cart before the horse.
ReplyDeleteHey they built a prison and they sure did come.
DeleteAnything with Bob Flint's name attached means a pipe dream with taxpayers on the hook. I wonder who will get the contracts for building an empty parking facility? I suppose they could convert it into apartments for drug addicts eventually.
Anonymous 11:07 pm you hit it right on....Bob flint needs to be sent down the road...many people avoid downtown now. This will make things worse. With 11 empty store fronts, what is there to bring anyone?
DeleteI fear BF is wisely biding his time to be gifted a Montpelier gravy job exactly like his predecessor, PMP. PMP became directer of SRDC thru blatant nepotism. Her tenure was a disaster with many firms leaving the community and abject failure to replace them. Now, she is raking in close to $200K having ridden the ladder of political appointments, albeit achieving Jack Squat. No, Bob is playing it smart and I can't say I blame him.
DeleteIf you put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig. Wouldn't it be better to have an influx of businesses come in and THEN say we need parking for all of this economy.
DeleteThis past week I counted 11 empty storefronts. Only the developers are earning money (scamming the town?)
ReplyDeleteYou're on the right track Dog, but it's part of the scam. The ongoing misappropriation of such grants allows for "administration expense" skimming and kick backs from contract awards. Think not? Follow the disappearing money the property mgmt co. known as SRDC has sifted thru its sticky fingers.
ReplyDeleteThere's a distinct reason no retail enterprise can flourish down town. It's the 800 lb gorilla in the room the Selectboard, Spfld On The Move, and SRDC are all afraid to mention.
Right on, and they are playing the "Trump" card each hand.
DeleteBack in the old days when Main street in Springfield was lined with businesses there was diagonal parking, plenty of room then. Get out of the box and think.
ReplyDeleteI've lived here since the 1950's, and I don't remember diagonal parking. I might be wrong. It wasn't diagonal during driver's ed in 1970 or any time since. So, what old days are you talking about?
DeleteThe old pictures of main street, probably in the 50s to 60s. Maybe you can find one on FaceBooks "Springfield" site.
DeleteOther businesses have failed in the past because of parking ya dolts. Did you turn your hearing aids on for the full news story, or are you just itching to whine and complain over anyone trying to pump some life into this corpse of a town you all love to hate, and refuse to leave?
ReplyDeleteThere is more involved than the Parking. While I agree with a national study done back in the 70's regarding the relationship of parking and the decline of historical downtowns, which suggested that parking was not a big factor. I am in favor of the TIF which is the main point of the article, as there are other elements of the project which are important in getting retail back into our numerous vacant storefronts. Unfortunately, the legislature is busy making sausage with the TIF legislation which the Governor supported, but might wind up vetoing if the Committees keep tacking on poison pills. We have several Committee Chairs in the legislature who are no friends of Springfield.