Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Packinghouse expanding to meet demand

The Vermont Packinghouse in North Springfield has been permitted by the state of Vermont to expand their existing meat processing and food packaging facility, allowing the business to increase its processing power and serve an expanding customer base.    


  1. Good News Story, love seeing businesses thrive in this area, no doubt based on hard work, great job.

  2. Springfield Vermont News better run some more VINE nonsense to offset someone trying to build a legitimate business in the Springfield area. Am I the only one that notices the amount of free publicity that VINE gets on this site?

    1. Why do you care that VINE gets publicity? It is a part of Springfield as is the packing house.

    2. Because VINE operates by using other people's money to live their idyllic lifestyle while trying to turn everyone into vegans. They serve no useful purpose and are dependent on donations of money and time to further their misguided eating habits. They should stop taking other peoples money, start paying taxes and get real jobs like the rest of us. If they don't want to eat meat, that's fine. Just stop trying to force their views upon the rest of us. This site has become obsessed with promoting their destructive behavior. The packing house is a real business not dependent on public donations and operating as a tax paying business. VINE needs to stop leaching off from the public and stop being a 501(c)3 tax exempt corporation.

  3. chuck gregory9/1/17, 7:44 PM

    Sounds like some convents, monasteries and think tanks I've visited.


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