Thursday, August 24, 2017

VTrans studying traffic patterns on I-91 Exit 7

The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans), in coordination with the town of Springfield, is currently assessing the feasibility of safety improvements to the I-91 Exit 7 southbound off-ramp.    


  1. Came down 91 last night to find a stop sign at the end of the off ramp heading west into Springfield. While you can look back to see if traffic is approaching while coming down the ramp, once you reach the stop sign, it's more difficult to look back to see on coming traffic once stopped. The yield is safer. Or, like the north bound exit, which has it's own lane to enter into headed west, the south bound exit should be the same. Merge the west bound traffic into the left lane to leave a lane open for south exiting traffic to enter its own lane. Stop sign isn't helpful.

    1. I agree. It's a very clear view coming have to stop and look back does not make it safer in my opinion.

  2. The most hazardous condition of the exit 7 is when traveling north the exit ramp should be where the on ramp is. Only in Vermont have I seen getting on the Interstate highway and off in the same lane. Hartford (White River) is even worst. Highway Engineers in training must have designed these exits.

    1. I believe this was done this way because most of the traffic exiting the northbound lane goes into Springfield. Otherwise, the majority traffic would have to stop and cross eastbound traffic on route 11... which makes sense to me.

    2. Its called a cloverleaf interchange and it was very popular when the interstates were being built and there are still a lot of them out there. But you're right. Given enough land (clover leafs take up the least amount of space of all interchanges) the preference is either a diamond or a fly-over.

  3. Not exactly related to the topic, but one thing I've always found disturbing is the "arrows" painted on the ramps; they point TOWARD you, and not in the direction of the ramp. Confusing until you get used to it.

  4. How is this safer. What idiot thought that with all the tractor trailers pulling into the Irving that it would be better to bring them to a complete stop and then cross the whole road while trying to get into the lane to turn left. I nearly got rear ended cause the truck didn’t slow fast enough for the sharp left and stop. And tonight there was a truck inching out who didn’t negotiate the stop and and to back up and retry the corner while I was coming from NH. Total stop across to 11 thankfully I was doing 40 and not the 50 or 60 that most people go through there. This is the biggest waste of taxpayer money. Where were the hearings on this. People are going to die because of their stupidity.


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