Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Beer and sunshine pop-up on a winter’s night

Two of Vermont’s fastest growing industries, alternative energy and micro brewing, teamed up to showcase their products in an innovative pop-up store on Springfield’s Main Street the evening of Dec. 15.



  1. RE: Two of Vermont’s fastest growing industries, alternative energy and micro brewing........

    Neither of which is profitable, creates jobs and would not exist without free rent and subsidies. All part of Vermont's aurora for fanciful, boutique non sense projecting a green image. Meanwhile its remaining residents struggle to maintain middle class status lucky to find unskilled, seasonal, low wage jobs. Reminds me of the lead-in to two twits, Laverne & Shirley on a bottling line. How the hell can anyone be so stupid to think this generates wealth and prosperity within a community?

    Probably more discouraging is how grossly stupid the typical Vermonter is believing there is LOCAL economic viability in solar energy. A scam perpetrated on Vermonters by Scumlin that made his friends rich. Just look out the window this morning and see for yourself. Bet you can count the number of sunny days the past month on one hand.

    1. The end of fossil fuel use obviously means economic changes, including losses and temporary inefficiencies. One way or another, those will have to be borne.

      Posters who make clever changes to peoples' names injure their own credibility.

  2. Anonymous, 9:01 AM, Go up north to check out Alchemist or Foley Bros or People's Pint or Prohibition Pig and tell us again how micro-brewing isn't profitable or creating jobs. I'm happy to have ambitious people in town, like the guys at Trout River, who see an opportunity (yes, to get subsidies and all) and make it happen. Rather than begrudging other peoples' success, maybe you should be packing your bags if you think our town is full of idiots.

    1. RE: ...... if you think our town is full of idiots

      The perception runs deeper than suspicion.


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