Friday, December 15, 2017

Drug sweep nets a dozen arrests

A dozen people are facing a host of drug-related charges following a two-county police investigation that spanned four months.


  1. Nice eye, looks like someone resisted arrest!

    1. His eye is trying to get away from the stupid

  2. Drug dealers are scum. Ruin so many lives. No empathy.

  3. Put in a prison and they shall come.

    1. This has nothing to do with the Prison!

    2. Of course it doesn't, he certainly won't end up there.

    3. It's against the law for Correctional Facility caseworkers (CCS) to line up a residence for a release inmate whom is not from the town the prison is in. If there from Essex county let's say, they must move back to Essex county. Of course, after they are released, it's no ones choice but there own to move into Springfield. However Inmates that are serving long bids in Springfield are mostly out of state. Their relatives move closer to visit, their kids have kids, and there you have it. Oh can't forget they sell drugs so they can support said relative meanwhile being VT their kids will be taken care of, themselves as well as their customers and the wheels on the bus go round...

    4. 2:06pm, there you go

  4. shocking only one from springfield

  5. Wonderful future ahead for him.

  6. I still want to know what is attracting people from NJ to move to Springfield.

    1. Heroin is big business (no news there). Vermont is an easy target as are other rural areas across the country.

    2. The same that's attracting every other low life, a plethora of instant benefits. No need for residency to get on the dole here. Immediate housing, health care, EBT cards, transportation, and child care. Social workers too lazy, indifferent and stupid to report most every black male is an unemployed felon sponging off a heroin addicted, welfare mom. Oh, and if you think this is out of line, on a warm summer day look at the predominate population infesting apartment porches on River, Park, Union, Pearl, and Wall Streets, or first of the month, filling their shopping carts at Shaws with Mountain Dew, steak, malt liqueur and sugar cereal. And to make matter's worse, Vermont is further increasing my property taxes 7% next year to bankroll this disgusting, liberal, social utopia. I know of no one getting 7% cost of living wage anywhere in Vermont! Vermont, it's the state that works for those that don't want to.

    3. As much as I agree that the dives on River st. need to go, every time I drive by there I only see white people, and that's every day! Also, most welfare programs are federally funded, so Vermont residency isn't required; it's no easier to get benefits here than in New Jersey. But to the question, "What is attracting people from NJ to move to Springfield?" Seriously, I just don't know!

    4. Of the 12 people arrested, 10 are white and 6 are female. How does that prompt a post against black males? I live in the neighborhood of Park, Union and Pearl streets, and I walk or drive there every day, but I don't see the demographics Anonymous 8:54 claims. I shop at Shaws every few days year around, and I don't see what Anonymous 8:54 claims there either.

    5. Philip, that's because 8:54 lives in a paranoid, bigotted fantasy land. It's ALWAYS the Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, "Papists," etc. The standard KKK line for generations.

  7. How do you know that popeye wasn't born and raised in Springfield.

  8. We ain't seein' eye to eye

  9. The limp eye is from a previous overdose. I've seen this many times being the direct results from drugs. He needs to be grateful his name isn't "Richard"!

  10. How much money did he lose. He won't be hard to track. By the gang members he is associated with.


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