Sunday, December 24, 2017

Newsweek: UFO existence 'proven beyond reasonable doubt' says former head of Pentagon alien program

The existence of UFOs had been “proved beyond reasonable doubt,” according the head of the secret Pentagon program that analyzed the mysterious aircrafts.

Video: Police helicopter captures UFO on camera

About the Video: The spherical object was filmed by the South Wales police helicopter while officers were flying 1,000ft over the Bristol Channel. Confused police said the mystery craft was flying against the wind and was undetected by air traffic control at around 9.30pm on Saturday, Sept. 24, 2016. The object - which could not be seen with the normal eye - was captured by thermal cameras. None of the crew could come up with an explanation of what it was and the team tweeted it with an alien emoji and the question: "Any suggestion??" Some people have suggested it could be a balloon or a Chinese lantern, but police have ruled out both ideas because of the heat and movement. The force added: "It's difficult to judge the size but we filmed it for just over seven minutes."

New York Times: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program
For the first time ever, the U.S. Defense Department has acknowledged the existence of a secretive program to investigate unidentified flying objects.  And a video released shows a 2004 encounter near San Diego between two Navy F/A-18F fighter jets and an unknown object.

The shadowy program, known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, began in 2007.  Funded with $22 million at the request of Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who was the Senate majority leader at the time.

2 Navy Airmen and an Object That ‘Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen’  
David Fravor of Windham, N.H. is a former Navy pilot who says he was “pretty weirded out” by an unexplained episode over the Pacific.

Springfield VT Area UFO Sightings

On a summer evening in 1966, around midnight, a UFO was spotted above the village of North Springfield. Two Springfield Police Officers observed it moving in a westerly direction. They followed the object in their police cruiser. It wasn't flying as fast as an airplane, allowing them to keep up with it. They managed to stay with it for a few miles on Rt 10 until they reached the end of it at the junction of Rt. 103 in Gassetts. The object continued on, westward, soon disappearing from sight behind a hill. This sighting made headlines in area newspapers.

A similar sighting but in broad daylight happened a few months later in Rockingham. This one made news all around the world because it was captured on film. Young teenagers Danny Gray and Ricky Sharp were on their way to photograph the Gageville covered bridge when they spotted a doughnut shaped object hovering nearby. The object was noiseless, black and white, and had a "shiny coil on its dome." It appeared to be 25 feet in diameter. Ricky had the presence of mind to snap six pictures before the object zoomed straight up and out of sight. The boys told their parents and friends, but no one believed them. However, Tony Redington of The Connecticut Valley Times-Reporter listened to their story and agreed to develop the film, which soon led to publishing them in his newspaper. Then UPI picked up the story.

Project Blue Book was one of a series of systematic studies of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) conducted by the United States Air Force. It started in 1952 but ceased operations in January 1970. By the time Project Blue Book ended, it had collected 12,618 UFO reports, and concluded that most of them were misidentifications of natural phenomena (clouds, stars, etc.) or conventional aircraft. A small percentage of UFO reports were classified as unexplained, even after stringent analysis. The UFO reports were archived and are available under the Freedom of Information Act, but names and other personal information of all witnesses have been redacted.

Now private investigative organizations handle sighting reports.  The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) at and The National UFO Reporting Center at

Below are a few local sightings that have been reported over the years...

May 31, 1953 Springfield VT sighting, but not reported until 2015: In early evening at dusk my mother and i were in the yard of our farm when we noticed a very long oblong aerial craft moving slowing toward terrain rising on the hill adjacent to the farm. it was completely silent, oblong cigar shaped, with five large lighted windows along the side. i did not see any occupants. it appeared to be headed for a collision with part of the hill. it did not collide, but disappeared behind the hill. on the other side of the hill is a numbered route following a river. i have never heard of anyone else who saw the craft; my mother swore me to secrecy because at that time people were ridiculed for seeing/reporting/believing such things as alien craft. however, i know what i saw - and she is no longer able to stop me from speaking out. i did think, at first, that it was a craft which had lost its engines, hence the silence, but now realize that was not the case.

4/12/2017 - Springfield, VT: It was 11:30, I was walking my dog and I looked up and there was a sphere slowly moving across the sky makeing it's way towards Windsor. It zig zagged and zipped towards Windsor, VT, my dog reacted to this event with barking and shaking. My dog doesn't scare easy it was his reaction tbat frightened me the most.

11/16/2012 - Springfield, VT: At about 11 pm at night, I went outside to see a meteor shower that was supposed to be happening (Leonid Meteor Shower). I sat on my porch, looking at the stars, when I noticed a blinking star. I looked closely and it was blinking red and blue, very bright in color. Then I noticed that it was moving all over the sky, right, left, up, down. I ran inside to get a blanket, and ran back out and it was still there. It would get closer at times, and it would occasionally stop and hover. I could see that it could be a spear shape, with the light in the center and coming from the center there were long lines, as if connecting on the outer rim. I wasn't sure what I was seeing, and kept watching it for an hour, going around the sky, getting closer then further away. When I did get to see it, it looked like some sort of craft, honestly. I don't know how to describe it. It was dark and I could only see so much. I did see a plane fly by and pass by it. I waited for somet! hing to happen, but it continued for an hour before I decided I was freezing and had to go inside. All I know is that I have never seen anything like it before.

2/2/1995 - Springfield, VT: I was driving on rt 11 west and as I came around a corner over a beaver pond was this oval shaped very bright, with small square windows and bottom was like opague. I was scared and tried to turn my car around but I could not, I tried to go by it fast but as I pushe down on the gas petal I could not go faster, I remember seeing a white older truck pulled over on the side of the road. I remeber the light seeming to get brighter The next thing I remember was driving into my dooryard, my husband meet me at the door and asked where Had I been it was 1:30AM in the morning and I had started home from Springfield at around 11 pm. The next morning while showering I noticed a small black cylinder shaped about maybe all most an inch long in my leg, it did not hurt. I had that black thing in my leg for about four years then it dissappeared. My mother has also had several experiences.

08/27/2017 - Springfield, VT: My wife and i were sleeping in our bedroom. earlier in the day we saw a blue light flash through the sky. we ended waking up in our living room on a pull out couch with marks on our body and my wife has an 8 on her side that is black and blue. beforehand it felt like we were being watched. before i fell asleep i saw a light flash which is the last thing i remember.


  1. I remember when I was in college seeing a ufo around this time of year. Turned out that it was Santa Claus.

  2. UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, meaning it's and object, it flies, we don't know what it is, and NOTHING MORE. So, our government admitting the obvious MEANS NOTHING! And now......Bigfoot!!!!

  3. Ignorance to believe that we are only planet with life.

  4. According to the Galaxy Census, planet Earth's life is considered extremely primitive, on par with the ameba, news is the GOP is even lower than that.


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