Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Springfield man who allegedly tried to scare his neighbors into moving held without bail

Facing a maximum potential penalty of over a hundred years in jail after pleading innocent Tuesday afternoon of firing a pellet gun through an apartment door on Mineral Street.


  1. Threatening people with a pellet gun? He would have only done that to me once.

  2. chuck gregory12/28/17, 8:31 AM

    How dare they deny him his constitutional right to own firearms? Where's the NRA when you need it?

  3. What, no other comments from the peanut gallery? Could it be because both parties are criminals, AND ARE BOTH BORN-AND-RAISED SPRINGFIELDERS? When "outsiders" appear on this blog, the screaming outrage is instantaneous, especially if their names end in a vowel! Why not now?

    1. OUTRAGEOUS!!! There. Happy now?

  4. Every town has shitty people. Here are some tip top prime examples.... Being from Springfield has nothing to do with it. I do think the rise program should be shut down though.

    1. Yes, that is true! You can find scum in every town, and at every income level! I was just trying to get people around here to admit that SOME of them were born here, as opposed to simply blaming the "outsiders," while giving the locals a free pass. In order to fix a problem, one has to first acknowlege it exists. The biggest problem I see here is the existence of low-rent rooming houses, such as where this incident took place. Tell me who is worse; the criminals, or those who profit giving them safe haven?

  5. RE:Tell me who is worse; the criminals, or those who profit giving them safe haven? Anon 3:53

    You make a point, but it comes full circle. Springfield has irreversibly turned into a fetid rat hole of criminals, drunks, addicts, welfare moms and disability scammers. Allowed by incredibly stupid and corrupt selectboard members with a conflict of interest that permitted the wholesale, unregulated expansion of low income housing. Yet you and the rest of the community reelected them time and again. So I ask you now, who's worse?

    1. I just recently moved here, SO DON'T BLAME ME for the problems YOU created! Most of the worst slums in this town are owned by conservatives JUST LIKE YOU! You talk about "bums" and "scammers," yet you have no problem whatsoever taking Section 8 and farm subsidy checks (now THAT'S paying people to do nothing!) I look around at the blighted, run down COMMERCIAL properties, OWNED BY CONSERVATIVES, and KNOW that this didn't happen overnight. It took GENERATIONS of abuse and neglect to get this bad. The economic policies of the last four decades that YOU voted for are the cause. Here's some more bad news for you: I'M NOT A LIBERAL! Just a good old-fashioned moderate independent who holds BOTH parties responsible for the mess this town, and this country, are in! What this town suffers from is a perfect storm of ideological stupidity; liberals who want to cram idiots and drug addicts into every vacant building, and the conservatives who own the buildings, and take the money! I've had the displeasure of meeting some of the slumlords in town, every last one of them voted for Trump. If that's Making America Great Again, you can keep it!

    2. Trump has no role in Springfield's blight. The responsibility rests squarely with a municipal government. A government that refused to adapt similar zoning that continues to benefit thriving communities. Further a government who's irresponsible school budget has taxed local industry out of existence and deters anyone else from locating a prosperous enterprise here. The bottom feeding slum loads, particularly those on River Street, are just opportunists the electorate created.

    3. Wow, it never ceases to amaze me how you conservatives always blame "the government" for everything. Acting as if you didn't exist, and had no part in anything. The poor created the slumlords? REALLY? You know, if the poor had their way, I think they'd be living a whole lot better! I'm not blaming Trump for Springfield's slums, just his supporters who own them! The slums came first; without them, the criminals would have no place to live. Period. Bottom feeders they are, but WE didn't create them; they are the product of generations of right-wing ideologues passing their beliefs, and their ill-gotten money, down to their descendents, JUST LIKE TRUMP. The fact that you mentioned the slums on River st. means you know EXACTLY who I am talking about. Every time "the municipal government" tries to do something about them, their money (and their lawyers) usually win, because they can outspend "the electorate!"


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