News Release — Peace & Justice Center
Dec. 30, 2017
Rachel Siegel
(802) 863-2345 x1
Nobody is Above the Law Protest Possible
What will happen if Mueller is fired?
As the nation watches to see if President Trump fires Special Counsel Robert Mueller, activists across the country are gearing up for a nationwide response — with more than 180,000 people signed up to take the street in nearly 700 locations within hours of Trump firing Mueller. Vermont is no different. is coordinating the nationwide responses and local organizers are currently making contingency plans for protests at City Hall in Burlington. More than 400 people have already signed up through MoveOn to attend this Burlington rally. Protests are also being planned for Castleton, Manchester Center, Montpelier, Putney, Rutland, Springfield, and Underhill.
If Trump moves to fire Mueller, on any given day, before 2:00 p.m. local time, organized protests will ensue beginning at 5:00 p.m. local time. If he is fired after 2:00 p.m. local time, organized protests will ensue at 12:00 noon local time the next day.
WHAT: Protest Opposing Mueller Firing
WHO: local engaged activists with support from MoveOn and the Peace & Justice Center
WHERE: City Hall (Church St side), Burlington, VT 05401
HASHTAG: #NotAboveTheLaw
Move information available from MoveOn and at our Facebook event.
A protest alert will be sent day of with additional details.
“Trump firing Mr. Mueller would be a stunning blow to our democracy,” said Linda Pitkin, one of the Burlington rally organizers. “We call on our representatives in Congress to continue to do everything in their power to maintain the Mueller investigation as a full, thorough investigation, free from interference. Furthermore, should there be presidential interference, we call on the citizens of Vermont to peacefully show how fundamentally wrong such an abuse of power is.”

get a life attention seekers
ReplyDeleteIf the protest is at 5:00 PM, we'll need torches; otherwise, we will just look like confused pedestrians.
ReplyDeleteThey will look like confused asses regardless of the time. Trump won't fire Muller in spite of the baseless witch hunt.
ReplyDeleteTrump can't fire Mueller. He has to get rid of Jeff Sessions and replace him with someone who will. That won't go over too well, as the precedent has already been set by Richard Nixon and the Saturday Night Massacre. Republicans will have no choice but to impeach, as they did with Nixon. If they don't, the voters will replace them with Democrats who will!
ReplyDeleteSince Sessions has recused himself, I think Our Glorious Leader would have to start with Rosenstein (who's leaving anyway).
ReplyDeleteIf you look back at how the Senate first dealt with Nixon, you see a whole lot of foot-dragging. The only Republican who was appalled before John Dean spilled the beans was Lowell Weicker, but he wasn't in charge of any committee that could start looking under the rocks.
This GOP is so in the tank for Our Glorious Leader this time that they won't do anything. They're getting everything they want from owning all three branches of government, and even though some of them have said he's a f*g idiot, they find him to be a useful f*g idiot. They do have a choice, and their choice will be to spin their wheels. Only a massive mid-term shift in both Houses would make a difference, and even then so many "centrist" Dems would be elected that the result would probably be the same thing. I think no push to impeach will come before the mid-terms, so the electorate is not going to be galvanized by it.
Very true about Watergate; the GOP was behind Nixon until the very end. It may very well take the D's retaking Congress to impeach Trump, although one would THINK the GOP would throw Trump under the bus to save themselves, like they did with Nixon. Maybe they're not that smart; they sure as hell haven't got the ethical integrity! As far as the midterms, I think any attempt to get rid of Mueller this year WILL galvanize the public, and will lead to a crushing defeat for the GOP in November.
DeleteSomeone once told me, those who use foul language have a pour command of it. Chuck you need to clean up you act both here and on the community for action page. It's beneath you.
ReplyDeleteI don't often find myself defending Chuck, but those WERE direct quotes of Republicans. That having been said, you're right; Trump and his people DO have a poor command of the English language!
DeleteFirst read his foul language on the community for action page. " takes the "lords name in vein" Shameful
Delete"Lord's" too.
DeleteWell, what can you expect from somebody who doesn't live in Springfield. We who do are better than him.
DeleteI've got some bad news for you, 1:06; being from Springfield doesn't make you better than anyone. The fact that you think it does is the biggest problem with this town. Take it from someone who's been to a few places, this town has a lot to learn, about a lot of things.
DeleteThank you, Anon. 7:09AM The audacity to think because you live in Springfield (and I do) makes you any better shows how misguided some people are. Anon. 1:06....because you may not agree with Chuck does NOT make you any better or smarter. Probably the reverse.......
DeleteYou lost me as soon as you said the GOP is in the tank for Trump and that makes them different than the dems. If you don't realize that the dems march in lock step, you don't realize much. The GOP will eat their own to be perceived as 'strong and independent'. Pretty sure the swamp monsters come from both sides of the aisle. If impeachment is in the wind, it's the swamp monsters that are fanning the flames. All the swamp wants is someone to keep the swamp the swamp. They don't have that with Trump. Given the alternative to Trump was Hilary - no contest - I'd vote Trump every day of the week. Catch your breath snowflakes.
ReplyDeleteTrump is "the swamp" on steroids. Put another way, he drained the swamp, and filled it with toxic chemical waste. Quite literally, if you look at what he's doing with the EPA. The Trump administration has ALREADY proven to be the most inept, corrupt administration we've ever had, and Mueller isn't done yet. The only reason he's still in the White House is the fact that the GOP Congress is just as corrupt. Just ask Steve Schmidt; even the guy who gave us Sarah Palin can't stand it!
DeleteHave fun freezing and griping!
ReplyDeleteThat the Dems don't march in lockstep is plainly clear. Even the horribly biased DNC under Wasserman Schulz let a democratic Socialist, Bernie Sanders, run. For decades Congress was characterized by first Blue Dog Democrats and now "centrist" Democrats, neither of which support programs that benefit their constituents, only their donors. In Vermont, it's not that much different with people like Cynthia Browning of Arlington working against her party's major stands. Somebody like Thomas Dewey, Dwight Eisenhower or John Anderson wouldn't stand a chance today with the RNC, although somebody like George Aiken would probably do quite well with the state party. At least, until the Kochtopus money finally gets it under control....
ReplyDeleteWell, they may have let him run (though I don't know how they could have stopped him) but they sure as hell didn't let Bernie win, did they? The problem with the D's is that the radical feminists have been running the party for decades. Their single-minded desire to "break the glass ceiling" shut Bernie (an old-fashioned labor guy) out, despite him beating Trump by double digits in the polls. Although Hillary won the popular vote, it was not enough to take the Electoral College, which Bernie would have easily won. If the Democrats have any sense whatsoever, they'll ditch the Left-Coast elitists, and run some Middle American labor candidates, for a change!