Sunday, January 21, 2018

From Church Elder to Atheist – “The Rest of the Story”

Long-time Springfield resident James Baldwin died today. For 25 years, he was involved with the cultish Worldwide Church of God. Here is what he wrote after leaving that Church in 1992.

Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God
This op-ed piece is the most popular article in Wall Street Journal history.


  1. From religious cult to Ayn Rand? They're both cults! That "freedom" he discovered was nothing more than what comes from the abandonment of all moral and ethical standards; he was "free" to lie, cheat, steal, and even kill, without that pesty conscience. Not being subject to accountability may FEEL good as long as you're dishing it out; it's not so good when you're on the recieving end! What most athiests don't realize, or won't admit to, is that our entire legal system, and our basic social structure come from religion. Whether you believe in God or not, without the moral and ethical standards of the world's religions as our foundation, our existence would be what Thomas Hobbs described as "nasty, brutish, and short."

  2. chuck gregory1/22/18, 8:06 AM

    Actually, if we knew there is no God, we would be faced with the fact that all the good that comes about on Earth would be entirely dependent on what each of us did. I don't know if we would want to handle the terrible weight of such a responsibility.

    An Ayn Rand devotee? Then he must have been active in the GOP, too? Hand in glove sort of thing...

    1. Not necessarily; most of the atheists I've known have been on the Left. There is very little REAL difference, once morality and ethics go by the wayside. Lyndon LaRouche was a devout leftist in the '60's; it only took a few subtle changes in philosophy to make him a member of the hard right in the '80's. Libertarianism makes strange bedfellows. I once worked with a so-called Libertarian; he considered himself conservative, yet most of what came out of his mouth came straight from Das Kapital. The idea that an economy could run itself, without government? KARL MARX, another materialist atheist! What it all comes down to is people who wish to mold society into one that serves THEIR purpose exclusively, without concern for others. Nothing more than a rationalization for pure and simple GREED which, by the way, is one of the Seven Deadly Sins in the Bible! The fact that many in the Religious Right are, in fact, devotees of Ayn Rand who use the Scriptures as a rationalization for all manner of evil is irrelevent. These moral and ethical standards set forth exist whether or not the GOP, (or the Dems) obey them.

  3. Biblical Believer, or Atheist, or Agnostic ... All of us pick and choose OUR moral standards. No one has it all figured out. "GREED which, by the way, is one of the Seven Deadly Sins in the Bible!" ... that same holy book also says to "stone the rebellious child" .. and seems to condone slavery of another. The Old testament is a pretty hard pill to swallow .. if you were born a Hittite. Please stop acting like it is so easy, cut and dry, and black and white. Cause it is not. Attributing translated words from books as all good or all bad and causes a man to be considered good or evil, is to ignore a lot of grey areas.

    1. 2:26, did you even read the article, or my post, before you snapped? I must have really hit a nerve!

  4. Philip Caron1/22/18, 4:24 PM

    Greed embodies a distortion of reality. Though I don't believe in supernatural things, I wish organized religions more prominence just to keep repeating, "greed is wrong". Same for lying.

    I remember in my 20's reading and rereading everything by Ayn Rand. Coincidentally, as part of reducing my books, I've been reviewing her works, and I see it all now pretty much as wishful thinking, idealized depictions of humans who would never cheat and lie and exploit others just to put up bigger numbers with dollar signs in front. Greed begets only greed - it's insane.

  5. Are the Jehovah Witnesses in the same "boat" ie a cult? 

  6. chuck gregory1/22/18, 5:46 PM

    The Witnesses seem to have evolved from the cult they were at the beginning a century and a half ago. Some of their rationality may have sprung from the fact that their leader bought a lot of their worldly goods at bargain basement prices, even as he prophesied the end of the world-- and got it wrong three times. True to their cultish passions, his now-impoverished followers kept believing even after his materially comfortable death, believing so firmly that of course, like any other deeply committed sect, they broke in a schism, the one group the Jehovah's Witnesses, the other the Seventh Day Adventists. Today they are considered fairly mainstream-- except by the most hyperreligious brethren of their sectarian counterparts.

    1. The Seventh Day Adventists have a hospital network in the Midwest. I was a patient there in the 80's; they were nice folks and ran a good facility. Can't knock them.


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