Thursday, February 1, 2018

Springfield man’s murder trial begins this week

32-year-old Gregory A. Smith who was accused of fatally shooting a father of four in Springfield, Vt., nearly three years ago will head to trial later this week. Smith was born in Springfield and worked at Black River Produce at one time, according to court records.

Smith’s criminal record includes numerous arrests for aggravated car theft, as well as arson and escape. He has seven felony convictions, as well as two dozen misdemeanor convictions stretching back to when he was a teenager. His court paperwork contains notations that as a convicted felon, he is “Brady disqualified” and therefore was prohibited from possessing firearms. Reportedly, Smith tried to commit suicide in March 2012 by jumping off the Paddock Road Bridge in Springfield into the Black River. A news report at the time said Smith told Springfield police he had been using cocaine.

Murder trial to open Friday
Nearly three years since the the murder of Springfield, Vt. resident Wesley Wing, the jury trial for his alleged killer is set to begin this week.


  1. Anyone with tattoos across their chest like that, in my opinion is a thug.

  2. Product of a single parent household and Vermont's revolving door judicial system. Did anyone not see this coming? Seven felony and 24 misdemeanor convictions. Why was there no outrage at a judicial system that unleashed this monster? Is it because liberals are oblivious to personal responsibility and see everyone as a victim? Point being, if you voted for the liberals that appointed the judges and parole board you share in the blame.
    The winds of change, they are a blowing. Watch the address this evening and praise the Lord we have a leader that is not playing politics with criminals.

    1. Raised by a single mom! Oh the Horror1/30/18, 7:25 PM

      What on earth does your comment on single parent households have to do with this man's poor choices? There are many single family households with very successful children. There are many 2 family households with very unsuccessful children. Neither which matter at this point. People are all responsible for their own actions. People make their own decisions. No one makes you a heroin addict. No one makes you a murderer. Growing up with a single mom does not dictate your destiny to live a life in the judicial system. Geeze, get a clue. If this was the case my own family would not have a teacher with a M.ED, a charge nurse for a neonatal trauma unit with a BSN, or a manager of a major department store with a MBA in it. My mom must not have done her job. I guess we should have all just ended up in the courts just like you conservatives feel all single family raised children should... Sorry to disappoint you!

    2. *85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Fulton Co. Georgia, Texas Dept. of Correction)
      *63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average.
      *90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.
      *85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)
      *80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)
      *71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)

      Thankfully you 7:25 PM are the exception. Your mother beat the odds raising your family. But the facts stand. A boy NEEDS a father to teach what it means to be a respectable man.

    3. Millennial's don't believe in marriage. Look around, you know.

  3. I must admit you wingnuts are right on this one. Too bad you get everything else wrong.

  4. chuck gregory1/31/18, 8:55 AM

    So, 8:12, what should we have in place in Springfield for the children who do not have a male role model in the home?

    1. I'm not 8:12, but it seems to me that positive male role modeling is as much our responsibility as anyone elses. As Dean Wormer once said, "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life...."

    2. Chuck, a number of my childhood classmates lost their fathers through misfortune and tragedy. Like so many of my generation, scouting, sports, christen youth groups, a respected male relative and and influential teacher all contributed to instill a value system and moral compass. I know of none of these friends that ran afoul of the law. None. Coincidence? I think not.

      However, liberals by their inherently warped agendas and corrupt value system selfishly have decimated the core, christen values such agencies historically imparted. Fatherless youth are now allowed to run a muck as they too are victims of society. Let Gregory A. Smith become the poster boy for Vermont liberals' Godless agenda.

  5. chuck gregory1/31/18, 2:37 PM

    So, 11:35, I know of one self-proclaimed liberal who from 1983 to 2013 annually gave 600 hours of unpaid time and eight percent of his gross annual income working one-on-one with children whose parents wouldn't or couldn't take the time for them. How does your own right-thinking, right-living, patriotic, red-blooded all-American way of life compare?

    1. I've read of pedophiles like that.

      What do you have against Scouting, and team sports? Is it their recognition of a higher power and faith?

  6. chuck gregory1/31/18, 2:40 PM

    Amen to that, 9:16. I once tried to find a guy who'd be a Big Brother to a needy Springfield boy. I approached ten guys who I'd considered to be the best fathers of kids in my son's graduating class. Every one of them turned me down. I suppose like me they felt that having raised their own kids, they needed a break.

    Taking care of our town's kids is not a cultural value here.

  7. Ok, enough of the blame game here. Smith CHOSE to kill Wing. Period. He also CHOSE to sell drugs. There were other options, but he chose drugs and murder. Sure, some of those options suck, like joining the military or working a crappy job, but they do exist. Millions of people, whether from single-parent homes, or two-parent homes, chose the latter. I HAD TO, and so I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for those who resort to crime. I'm tired of the excuses too, AND I'M NOT A CONSERVATIVE. Give dope dealers a needle in the arm; A PERMANENT ONE!

  8. Buh bye....for a long time.


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