Saturday, January 27, 2018

USDA again suspends slaughter operation at Vermont Packinghouse

Federal regulators temporarily shut down the animal slaughter operation at Vermont Packinghouse in North Springfield on Monday, according to a statement from the facility.

Video: Humane slaughter and animal handling explained


  1. From that pic, it shows someone working with no sleeves and sweating, look under the arm pit..stains. Gross! I understand that this is a dirty job but I also think that there should be uniforms or at least SLEEVES! Just nasty.

    1. Think of that next time your chewing on a burger! Lol

    2. Eh, it will cook off!

  2. Humane slaughter? Do tell me how it is possible to humanely murder someone who wants to live? If someone treated us "nicely" i.e. gave us food, a place to sleep, let us run around in the backyard and kept us "stress free" before they slit our throats - would that be ok? I highly doubt anyone would think so. Time to join modern times and stop clinging to barbaric addictions. Animals are not our food. Animals are not our clothing. Animals are not things. Animals, human and otherwise are thinking, breathing, feeling, sentient individuals who have a right to live their lives freely, happily and safely. The golden rule applies to everyone - not just to humans.

    1. Philip Caron1/27/18, 7:05 PM

      Are you going to convince other animals of this program, so they don't eat any sentient feeling thinking individuals either?

    2. @Bigapple we are the top of the food chain for a reason. It's life. Would you prefer us to rip the animal apart like a wolf or lion does? At least the animals (from the example you gave) had a pleasant life before going on my table.You eat veggies and drink water right? Staying all healthy? Well, you are eating these animals food, and drinking fish houses. You monster....


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