Monday, February 19, 2018

Scholarships available for students pursuing career in journalism

The Journalism Education Foundation of New England, a division of the New England Newspaper & Press Association, will award up to ten $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors and college students in the six-state region who aspire to pursue a career in journalism.

This program encourages and supports young people who wish to staff and lead newspapers in the next generation.

The JEFNE scholarship is available to residents of New England. Applicants must be a college student or high school senior planning to attend college the following year to study journalism or a related field, and they are required to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Interested students can download the application from

The deadline for applications is March 9, 2018. For further information, please call NENPA at 781-281-7284.


  1. ROGER - Preemptive statement... This is not a liberal plot to take over the world.

  2. Liberals are too busy coloring.

    1. Well, at least they're not shooting up schoolyards.

  3. This Anonymous person seems to be trolling, come up from the basement, mommy has lunch ready.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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