Health Care and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS), southeastern Vermont’s community mental health agency, is pleased to announce the appointment of nine new professionals whose talents will augment HCRS’ services in the Westminster, Brattleboro and Springfield regions.
As they appear in the photo, HCRS welcomes the following new employees (from left): John Gurney, residential specialist in Brattleboro, Christine Bullard, state police liaison in Westminster, Carol Ferreri, community outreach specialist in Brattleboro, Benjamin Franks, residential specialist in Brattleboro, Kimberly Rankin, residential specialist in Brattleboro, Lori Daniels, shift supervisor in Brattleboro, Katie Serwa, residential specialist in Brattleboro. Kimberly Cook, residential specialist in Brattleboro, and Bonnie Dedrick, care coordinator in Springfield, Vermont.
Click here to view previous new HCRS staff member photos

Wow, they must have a lot of workers there now.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the caption, all but two are working out of the Brattleboro office. Only one is in Springfield. I hope that makes you feel better.
DeleteWell it does...I really did not mention any towns, only "there" meaning HCRS. Hope that makes you feel important.
DeleteBut do you know what the staffing situation was before the latest hirings? Were these people hired to replace former employees or was there a shortage of staff that needed to be filled to provide adequate service? Those seem like important questions to me before you ASSUME they have a lot of workers.
DeleteWell if they don't have a lot of workers, where the others go that they just hired a few weeks ago? Please fill us in.
DeleteYour Politicians at work and your Tax dollars being flushed down the toilet...
DeleteDo you ever have anything positive to say,I would hate to go through life that way
I call a spade a spade... Yes I do I'm reading through the Gun Debate article that is on this site. A little at a time, so far I have some positive feelings about this article. But most of my comments are regarding how our state and government waste our tax dollars. I work very hard long hours to earn my money and when we have welfare thieves and politicians wasting my money it's wrong.
ReplyDeleteYou may work long hours but even a cursory glance at the article comments on this site indicate you spend quite a few of those hours posting your thoughts on many of the articles. If you spent more time working and less time on here, maybe you could reduce those "very hard long hours".
DeleteLOL, with 30 years with the same company and holding the highest position to be had, I think I manage my time perfectly. I just don't need the government taking my money nor comments from someone that portrays themselves anonymously.
ReplyDeleteThe highest position to be had, eh? Must be REALLY tough. I know the people at the top of companies I worked for did very little ACTUAL work, but boy did they rake in the cash! You "manage your time" by piling the work, and the responsibility, on the backs of those under you! The truth is that businesses and the wealthy don't pay taxes; you pass the cost on to your customers in the form of higher prices! It's OUR MONEY; we're just taking it back!
DeleteIf it's the Roger I think it is, he's not lying. He's a great guy.
DeleteWhat a Joke... you have no clue what I've done over my career nor how I treat my employees talk about negativity... your employer gave you something and all you can do is complain... you have choices in life to work there or not or to start your own business or not... like I said speak of negativity, pot calling the kettle... I'm done....
ReplyDeleteGlad you're done, Roger; I'm just getting started. For one, the attitudes you espouse on this blog say it all; for instance, my employers never "gave" me anything, I had to bust my butt for every dime. No, I don't know you, but I've known hundreds like you; you view a paycheck as a gift? You think you "make the world go around?" Pure arrogance! It'll be spinning long after you're gone; believe it! Another thing; with all your supposed wealth and position, all YOU do is COMPLAIN! Day after day, bashing people less fortunate than yourself, along with those who TRY to make a difference! If you're doing as well as you say you are, why are you so miserable? Are people just not kissing your ass enough? That brings me to my final point; you and your kind claim to be the "oppressed working class" who are overworked, overtaxed, and thoroughly unappreciated. Yet, whenever you're criticized, you respond with elitism; you brag about your money, your position, stock portfolio, etc. Things most working people don't have, and never will. YOU'RE NOT A VICTIM, ROGER. STOP ACTING LIKE ONE!
DeleteI also hold the highest position in my company. I am self employed and my company has one employee, me. Try paying all of your social security and medicare to the IRS each quarter. My company does not pay half of it for me. How about health costs and vacation pay, guess who pays that for me...need I say more.
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess that's the cost of doing business, isn't it? Business owners don't get Social Security, that's for people who work. Employers have to contribute. That's the deal. Why don't you just go out and get a job? It has its benefits, Social Security being one of them. You went into business for the same reasons everyone else does; you think you'll get rich, and working for someone else sucks! I just don't have any sympathy for people like Roger, as they have none for anyone else. He adopts the very same pro-corporate, Ayn Rand philosophy as the Uber-Wealthy, yet is closer to the people he constantly denigrates than he is to the top. The world DOES NOT revolve around him, you, or ME, for that matter! I'm not complaining about having to work; I actually enjoyed SOME of the jobs I had. What bugs me is listening to people who think they're God's gift to the world, and have no obligation to contribute anything, just because they have a cushy job or own a business. As far as my employers "paying for half," I guarantee they made up for it by paying me less, and working me harder. That's the other part of the deal!
DeleteAh yes, America, home of the fee and land of the slave. Make it great again.
DeleteAnonymous 3:17 appears to spend almost all day posting comments complaining about his employer. I bet he doesn't work nights…
Delete3:17 here, and no, I don't work nights; I'M RETIRED. So, once again, you wingnuts GET IT WRONG! See what basing decisions on mindless prejudice gets you?