On Saturday, March 17, the Edgar May Health and Recreation Center is sending a bus to Burlington’s ECHO Leahy Science Center on the Lake Champlain waterfront. There are 50 seats available on this all-inclusive trip in the comfort of a premier coach.
Transportation, museum admission, lunch at the Waterside Café, and a National Geographic 3D movie is all included in the cost.
Avoid transportation hassles and parking fees to enjoy the ECHO Leahy Science Center’s many exhibits, including special exhibit My Sky, an interactive experience for the whole family to learn more about the universe and how the sky above impacts our lives here on Earth. The sky is, after all, universal. My Sky invites children and adults to explore the Sun, the Moon and the stars together in an immersive, inviting environment.
Families are encouraged to “look up” not only when they visit the exhibit, but also in their everyday lives. And My Sky gives families the chance to practice science skills like observing, communicating, noticing patterns, predicting, imagining and more – science skills that are fundamental to astronomy, and skills that scientists and engineers use every day.
My Sky has four primary areas of activity: a skate park, in which children explore the Sun; a child’s room, where visitors investigate the Moon and the stars; a Moon Dome where families have a one-of-a-kind experience with the Moon; and a backyard that offers experiences about the Sun, the Moon and the stars together.
The trip is made possible through the collaborative efforts of the Springfield Parent Child Center and the Edgar May Health and Recreation Center. There is a fee for this trip but scholarships are available to make this event accessible to all who are interested in attending. Contact the EdgarMay at 802-885-2568 or online www.myreccenter.org for more information.
For details about the collaboration and other events, check out the Facebook page: EdgarMaySpringfield.

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