Tuesday, April 10, 2018

ROTC cadet from Springfield honored

The Military Officer Association of America recently conferred one of its Reserve Office Training Corps (ROTC) Awards on Springfield, Vt., resident Patrick Clancy. Clancy was cited for demonstrating “exceptional potential for military leadership” in the Air Force ROTC program at The Citadel in South Carolina.




  1. Congratulations Patrick, another Springfield success story. Eagle Scout, now this, you’re making this town proud! Aim High! Fly, Fight, Win!

  2. Indeed, congratulations! Please consider returning to Springfield to impart the leadership so badly lacking here.

  3. chuck gregory4/11/18, 8:21 AM

    If the military gets him for seven, they'll have him for life. Expect him to return no sooner than 2038.

    1. Look at the award and quit playing politics. He did something good on his own and you as always have nothing good to say. What he does is his business, not yours to run your liberal commentary. Must of had some good mentoring, and done a lot of hard work, Eagle Scout, Citadel Cadet, and future pilot in the USAF.

    2. Who's playing politics? Speaking as a veteran, he's probably right. Anyhow, what's wrong with a career in the military? If you can handle the BS, retiring at 38 is a good thing!

    3. Congratulations to this fine young man! Godspeed!


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