Monday, April 2, 2018

Springfield group holds downtown demonstration for peace

Four members of the local group Springfield Peace and Justice gathered on Saturday morning to demonstrate their opinion that peace, not war or violence, is a better way of resolving conflict.


  1. Sorry, but, the Politicians You Voted For determine the level of Peace on this Planet. They are in Control.

    1. Sure, Trump doesn't have anything to do with foreign policy, HE HAS NONE! Unless you count alienating our allies, and kissing Putin's butt!

  2. What does Black Lives Matter (sign in photo)have to do with Peace, that is just discriminating against Whites and Asians, so they are contradicting their demonstration purpose...All Lives Matter

    1. You are an old hack.

    2. Philip Caron4/2/18, 6:06 PM

      Hi Roger. Agreed about the mixed messages - it tends to weaken all of them. That's been seen a lot in demonstrations and discussions over the past year or so.

      However, Black Lives Matter is a message that shouldn't be dismissed as contrary to "all lives matter." In my opinion it would have been smarter to name the movement Black Lives Matter Too, just to forestall such criticism. It's a valid movement starting from the fact that prejudice, discrimination, and persecution remain strong and widely practiced against black people in this country, and have always been. Anyone doesn't think so has deliberately chosen to ignore and dismiss a great many credible reports and experiences of it - or they're guilty themselves.

    3. 5:49, I'm so happy I upset your day... makes mine....

  3. Oh, they're just a bunch of old hippies getting their last jabs in. They may be nuts, but they're not hurting anyone. If you don't like what they're saying, have your own demonstration, or just ignore them!

  4. the most recent Harper's has an article about our engagement in Afghanistan. The writer states, "We have not been at war in Afghanistan for 16 years; we have been at war in Afghanistan for one year sixteen times." You would think by now either the White House, the State Department or the military would have procedures in place to transmit the information learned from the departing troops to the new troops, but no. Our people are still convinced that the warlords who speak English and are great hosts will help us defeat the Taliban, when in reality the "Taliban" we then attack are just the subjects of another warlord whose poppy fields are coveted by "our" warlord. Springfield doesn't need to share in the stupidity.

  5. On Sunday there was a peaceful easter egg hunt at the white house. Pence was wearing the bunny costume and the playboy bunny was entertaining out back.


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