Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Video: Visiting Douma ‘chemical attack’ site: Witnesses recall how White Helmets shot the video

**RT is funded in whole or part by the Russian government**

American and British reporters In Syria - There was no chemical weapons attack
Well-known British reporter Robert Fisk says that a doctor at the hospital which treated the victims of an alleged chemical weapons attack said there were no chemical weapons … and that it was a member of the White Helmets who started the false rumor.

And American reporter Pearson Sharp says the same thing, that none of the local residents heard anything about a chemical weapons attack, and the locals said that the Islamic terrorists faked the attack in order to create enough chaos and confusion that they could slip out of town. They were losing the battle.

This would appear to confirm what the former British ambassador to Syria says here:

The search for truth in the rubble of Douma – and one doctor’s doubts over the chemical attack
Robert Fisk is one of the very few excellent investigative journalists still employed in the UK. He is twice winner of the British Press Awards‘ Journalist of the Year prize, and seven time winner of the British Press Awards’ Foreign Correspondent of the Year. He is extremely smart and knows the Middle East very well. He has just made his way – not accompanied by Russian or Syrian government officials – to Douma and this is what he reports.

Video: Two eyewitnesses at the clinic tell what they saw

How the US Occupied the 30% of Syria Containing Most of its Oil, Water and Gas
While gaining control of key resources for partitioning Syria and destabilizing the government in Damascus, the U.S.’ main goal in occupying the oil and water rich northeastern Syria is aimed not at Syria but at Iran.


  1. Just wish we as America People could get real news and real information from our government. All major networks say there was an attack, it's confirmed it happen, yet this network which I've watched and think I trust says no... How the heck are we suppose to make up our minds on when we get the friggen truth..... we desire to know what is happening in the world so we know which other countries to trust and hold as allies...

  2. OAN? Never heard of them! Sounds like Russian or Chinese propeganda to me. Then again, with Trump in the White House, maybe it's "weapons of mass destruction" all over again! Makes a nice distraction from Mueller and Cohen!

  3. Where did the earlier video and all the comments on it go?

  4. Scroll down near the bottom of the main page and click on Older Post, they transition to down as new post are made.

  5. Yeah -- OAN also announced that Roy Moore had swept the Alabama election "by a large margin." They also subsequently published an article on their website saying that Moore had won. We all know he lost.

  6. chuck gregory4/17/18, 11:48 AM

    With American media making its profit by style rather than content, it's hard to get substance from most of our domestic sources. Public TV and radio are being corrupted by the Koch brothers' money. In order of increasing reliability, it's papers, magazines and then books, since the time allowed for careful editing increases at each level (of course, there are some real stinkers even in the book industry, like Regnery, so know your publishers at each level). The highly-recommended Democracy Now's radio show is available on WOOL-FM locally, and their TV show might be found on some public access stations. It's amazing that it manages to survive in America.

    Reliable foreign newspapers are to be found along the lines of the Manchester Guardian, Figaro and Al Jazeera.

    1. I thought the Koch brothers were Republicans and Sorres was feeding NPR?

    2. The Koch brothers are Libertarian. They finance a variety of liberal causes; gay rights, abortion, and PBS are among them. I hear they're also in favor of gun control. They support conservative political candidates because they hate being taxed and regulated. On the cultural side, they're as liberal as it gets. Ever wonder why both sides seem to be winning? Thank the Koch brothers. They won't rest until we live in the most morally, ethically, and economically bankrupt country in the world!

    3. chuck gregory4/22/18, 6:35 PM

      With the Koch brothers, it's actually deeper than that. If you read Jane Mayer's expose of their work, you realize that Charles is still working out his anger issues from childhood, with the "government" being the target substituted for his father, who was pretty much a monster a la Richard Mellon Scaife.

      Their nanny was a Nazi who went back to Germany voluntarily when it started WWII. Charles and David were not libertarian sufficiently to let his twin, William, keep his share of the inheritance. They extorted it from him on the basis of his homosexuality.

      Their liberality in matters cultural is strictly mainstream, since they're apparently trying to leave something behind that will obscure Charles' savage capitalism, expressed in his favorite saying: "All I want is my fair share: All of it." Read the book, "Dark Money."

    4. If Chuck didn't have the Koch brothers to blame for all of the worlds problems, who is the next in line? The Liberals?

    5. Most of the "Libertarians" I've personally known were just garden variety fascists. They say they are against "government regulation" but the truth is they only hate laws that regulate THEM. What they actually believe in is the law of the jungle, as they view themselves as the being the top of the food chain. They are predators by nature, and anything that prevents them from preying on others is considered "Big Government" oppression. The sad truth is that most of the rank-and-file ones wouldn't last long in the world they would create; they are just grandiose and delusional. The Koch brothers would survive, since they can buy protection. The rest of them would die the very same deaths as everyone else in the jungle!

  7. The most balanced cable news on television is owned, operated and backed by big money fans of the right wing.

    There are no "mainstream media" liberals pulling the strings behind OAN, the 3-year-old digital channel available in about 15 million homes. And it's by far one of the most fair news outlets around, serving up a daily diet of ad-free, non-ideological, nonstop news — without smirking, snarky anchors or much fanfare.

    In terms of balanced content, it leaves Fox News Channel, MSNBC and CNN in the dust.

    It's about time someone filled the void. Most cable news now more closely resembles talk radio.

  8. It's necessary to take EVERYTHING you see or read with a grain (or a ton) of salt these days. That's why education is so important. We, as a society, need to teach our kids (and ourselves) HOW to think instead of WHAT to think. Learning to recognize an agenda is just as important as understanding content in the modern media. The molders and shapers of our opinions are getting smarter; we need to stay at least one step ahead. Far too many people believe what they've been taught, without questioning any of it. First, KNOW YOURSELF. Knowing who you are, and where you truly stand, is the first step. Only then will we be able to see how politicians and the media are manipulating us, for their own benefit!

  9. The 2018 Pulitzer Prizes have just been announced. Major awardees in Journalism include The New York Times, and The Washington Post.

    Once again missing from the extensive list of honorees are Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars, The Drudge Report, and the National Enquirer.

    1. What? They don't have an award for best propeganda?

    2. I was going to leave you liberals alone with the identification of the non winners. I don't see MSNBC, CNN, NPR, the LA Times, etc etc etc... And if they give Barrack Hussein Obama a Prize it's the equivalent of a Cracker Jack Prize.

  10. chuck gregory4/17/18, 4:15 PM

    Regarding OAN-- One America News-- it helps to check out their Wikipedia entry. Apparently they are very Trump-friendly and picture themselves as a worthy successor to Fox News (good luck with that!).

    1. Neither Fox nor The Drudge etc lean any farther right than the ones listed lean left, lets be real here.

  11. Roger, you are the essence of ignorant and confidant, a really bad personality combination. Yes, you are a redneck. Yes, Black Lives do Matter (without saying all lives matter); and tell us more about the Confederate flag's place in history.

    Who's your favorite driver?

  12. What a trio, Trump, his attorney and the Fox man. Discusting.

  13. confidant? Who am I a confidant of.... don't throw stones when you misuse words as well....

  14. I find it odd that of all the presidents I have lived to know that only one has been called a Nazi and and a bully and have thugs like John Bolton.

    1. And by Republicans, no less!


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