Tuesday, May 8, 2018

RVTC students take part in 'Game of Logging' chainsaw safety program

Photo: Northeast Woodlands Training Inc. instructor Allan Sands confers with student Seth Martin during the felling of a tree.


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  1. In a shrinking world experiencing exponential technology growth, what options are available at 40 years old when working in the woods in no longer a physical reality and you have no academic skills to fall back on? I can well assure you, their counterparts in China, Europe, India, Japan, and Korea are not squandering their limited chance for an education.

    1. Companies all over America are experiencing MAJOR shortages of skilled labor. We, as a nation, have become so enamored with technology that we are running out of people who know how to use tools! Kudos to those who learn which end of a screwdriver to use; you're head and shoulders above most these days!

    2. Logging is NOT skilled labor. It is honest, hard, back-breaking, very dangerous work. Logging offers an opportunity to be your own boss and enjoy an office view many of us would envy. But it's not a trade to carry you through to retirement, and pension benefits are slim. Such work is best suited for youth that choose not to complete school. These students are being short changed a secure future.

    3. 12:16 I had tree work done this summer. These guys were skilled labor. You have to be intelligent to do this kind of work. What is a secure future? I myself have a college degree and it is worthless in Springfield, but if I could do this I would never be out of work. If you look around Springfield alone, that would keep a company busy for years.

  2. Wow... it takes all kinds to make this world go around, never done it but the logging industry is a vital industry, how else to we built the houses we live in?
    C'Mon Man! Good job Seth Martian and crew.

    1. Not to mention the burls they might find. Just had 2 black walnut trees taken down. Tree service was happy loading the short "logs" onto the truck. Look on the net, one short piece sells for $100 to make a bowl.


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