Learn the differences between native, exotic, nuisance and invasive species; how invasive species are introduced and established; how to differentiate invasive aquatic plants and animals from native lookalikes (plants will be emphasized); and how to conduct surveys for aquatic invasive plants in water bodies. Interested participants are encouraged to join the statewide network of volunteers who survey for aquatic invasive species in their favorite lake, pond or river.
This 4-hour VIP workshop will include classroom time with an introductory overview, including hands-on aquatic species identification training. There will be a break for lunch, and then an on-the-water aquatic plant survey session at Camp Plymouth State Park at Echo Lake. Echo Lake is on the Black River, which meets the CT River in Springfield. The on-the-water visit will be weather permitting.
Saturday, June 23, 2018 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Vermont Invasive Patroller Workshop
Fletcher Memorial Library,
88 Main St., Ludlow, VT
(Park in back; library opens at 10 AM)
Afternoon VIP Paddle – Echo Lake, Camp Plymouth State Park
You will need to provide your own lunch and, for the on-the-water portion of the workshop, you will need a non-motorized vessel (typically canoe or kayak), life preserver/pfd, and paddle.
Pre-registration for this workshop is required:
Contact Kim Jensen at kimberly.jensen@vermont.gov or (802) 490-6120.
Workshop and materials are offered at no cost. Space is limited.
Bring your lunch and canoe or kayak.
Workshop presented by VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Lakes & Ponds Program staff, and co-hosted by VT Forests, Parks & Recreation, Ottauquechee Nat. Res. Cons. District, Black River Action Team and Windham County Nat. Res. Cons. District.

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