Springfield Town Library’s annual Adult Summer Reading program begins June 18. This year’s theme is “Libraries Rock!” so we will kick if off with the Vermont Humanities Council program, “How the Guitar Conquered America” Thursday, June 14 at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational Church.
When the guitar first hit these shores 450 years ago, it was a small, unimpressive folk instrument. Now, more guitars are sold in America than all other musical instruments combined. How did this unlikely conquest take place?
Tim Brookes addresses that question with demonstrations, displays, and slides. He touches on the rise of technologies and speaks to the guitar’s importance in defining national, ethnic, and regional identity. He also connects the guitar to such utterly unexpected incidents as the importance of the Confederate steam ship Shenandoah, Bonnie and Clyde’s life of crime, and the sad demise of Strenuous Lifer, the pig in the Coney Island Zoo.
Love the guitar? Love music? Curious about the past? Join us Thursday, June 14 at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 77 Main Street, in Springfield for “How the Guitar Conquered America.” Sponsored by the Friends of the Springfield Town Library and the Town of Springfield, this program is free, accessible to people with disabilities, and open to the public. For more information, please contact the library at 802-885-3108 or stlas@vermontel.net.

The Beatles will never last! (Ha, ha!)