Construction on the I-91 Rockingham Bridges 24 North and 24 South project over the Williams River will include rolling roadblocks for the week beginning Monday, June 25.
I-91 will have rolling roadblocks for bridge project I-91 will have rolling roadblocks Construction on the I-91 Rockingham Bridges 24 North and 24 South, over the Williams River, will include rolling roadblocks this week. COURTESY ROCKINGHAM, Vt. — Construction on the I-91 Rockingham Bridges 24 North and 24 South project over the Williams River will include rolling roadblocks for the week beginning Monday, June 25. On I-91, northbound bridge activities from Monday through Sunday, during the daytime, will include rolling roadblocks to allow for beam deliveries. These will include two daily, southbound, for approximately 15 minutes, and two daily, northbound, for approximately 30 minutes. Project organizers say rolling road block times could vary due to avoidance of peak traffic flow or due to unforeseen circumstances. The northbound rolling road blocks will also include the Exit 6 on-ramp. Motorists may want to follow the detour on Route 5 to use the Exit 7 on ramp in Springfield to avoid delays. Oversize trucks must follow their permitted route. I-91 northbound and southbound will be reduced to one lane with no shoulders within the construction zone. I-91 northbound motorists should be aware of merging ramp traffic entering the roadway. Motorists are asked to use caution. The following project work will also be ongoing: Continued beam erection from Abutment 2 to Pier 2; beginning beam erection from Pier 1 to Pier 2; completion of backfilling Abutment 1; and truck traffic on Golden Hill Road. Web updates on the ongoing project are available at countonitinc.com/rockingham-vt-bridges-91 or on Twitter by searching for #91rockbridges. A live traffic camera is available at www.traffic-asti.com/tcm/default.aspx?id=c2a64a32-8015-48de-b622-122dd0bd7084. For any questions or concerns regarding this project, call Stephanie Barrett at (802) 862-6085 or (866) 602-6868.

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