Springfield Lions celebrated another successful year of community service with a picnic dinner. Club President Jeff Perkins reviewed the activities of the year and passed the president’s gavel to incoming President Pat Ankuda.
Springfield Lions celebrated another successful year of community service with a picnic dinner. Club President Jeff Perkins reviewed the activities of the year and passed the president’s gavel to incoming President Pat Ankuda. Other officers next year are Mike Martin, 1st vice president; Bob Fog, 2nd vice president; Lynn Larrow, secretary; Liz Walker, treasurer; Dick Fellenz, membership chair; Bruce Savery and Julie Beauchain, directors. Springfield Lions Club, the oldest Lions Club in Vermont, has served the Springfield community since 1937. Lions’ members help with vision screening, food drives, eyeglasses, and support other Springfield organizations. All proceeds from fundraising events go directly back to the community. The next fundraising project will be the Lions annual fishing tournament Sept. 9. Contact any Lions member to join the tournament. Springfield Lions have 56 members and meet on first and third Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at the VFW. Lions clubs are a group of men and women who identify needs within the community and work together to fulfill those needs. For more information or to get involved with the Springfield Lions Club, please contact Dick Fellenz, membership chair, at 802-885-8130. Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in more than 240 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world. For more information about Lions Clubs International, visit www.lionsclubs.org.

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