Barbara Comtois, a 79 year old retired Bellows Falls Union High School home economics teacher and a former Vermont Mother of the Year, died from her injuries in the accident.
Vehicle Crash / Fatality
Incident Number: 18SF005544
Investigating' Officer:. Cpl. Morancy
Date/Time of Incident: 06/13/2018 2:00 p.m.
On 06/13/2018 at 2:01 p.m., the Springfield Police and Fire Department responded to Vermont Route 11 west near the Springfield Health and Rehabilitation Center for a reported two-car motor vehicle crash. It was described as two vehicle crash and that involved vehicles had collided head on.
On arrival, both vehicles and their respective operators were present. Both operators were trapped in their respective vehicles and both needed to be removed by the "Jaws of Life" tool.
One operator was transported to the Springfield Hospital. A short time later, that operator succumbed to the injuries suffered in the crash.
The second operator was air lifted to Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital in Lebanon, New Hampshire and that operator's current condition is not known.
This crash is the early stages of the investigation.
Anyone having information about this crash is asked to contact the Springfield Police Department at 802-885-2112 and ask to speak with crash investigator Cpl.Morancy.

Hey 6:00 AM