The Springfield Town Library invites you to sign up for our Adult Summer Reading Raffle Program, “Libraries Rock!” All Springfield Town Library card holders 18 years of age and older may sign up to participate anytime throughout the summer. Sign ups begin Monday, June 18.
To participate, simply sign up at the front desk, then throughout the summer, request a raffle ticket for each book read or audio book listened to. Print your name and telephone number on the raffle ticket and drop it in the raffle container at the front desk. A winner will be drawn every Friday through Aug. 31. Each winner will be notified by telephone. This year’s prizes will be a selection of gift certificates from local merchants.
When participants sign up for the summer reading program, they will receive a coupon to the Friends of Springfield Town Library Book Sale July 13 and 14. And, for additional fun this year, all participants will receive a “Libraries Rock! Springfield Town Library Bingo” card. After the card is completed, return it to the library to be entered into a special bingo raffle for a $25 gift certificate to the Vermont Country Store. This drawing will be held Friday, Aug. 31.
Our raffle is once again sponsored by the Friends of the Springfield Town Library. For more information, please contact stlas@vermontel.net or 802-885-3108.

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