Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Tonight: First public forum on Act 250

The Vermont Legislative Commission on Act 250: The Next 50 Years is seeking public input through a series of forums and social media outreach to envision Vermont’s future landscape. The first forum will be held Wednesday June 27, 2018 here in Springfield.

The Legislative Commission on Act 250 will be holding public forums across the state of Vermont to discuss the evolution of Vermont’s landmark legislation. Since Act 250 became effective in June 1970, this law has regulated development to protect Vermont's environment and preserve its landscape. The Commission will be conducting six forums to engage Vermonters on their priorities for the future of Vermont's landscape and how to maintain its environment and sense of place.

The first forum will be held in Springfield, VT on Wednesday, June 27, 2018 from 6:00-8:00 PM at the Nolin-Murray Center at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Unlike typical town hall style forums, this one is designed to invite conversation and engage citizens in small group discussions with facilitators. After a brief presentation highlighting the key points of Act 250, community members will have a chance to talk about what matters most to them. The public input will inform the Legislative Commission’s report and any potential legislation to modernize the statutes. Act 250 grew out of citizen involvement fifty years ago and it will be strengthened through citizen involvement now.

The events will be held in Springfield, Manchester, Randolph, Island Pond, Rutland, and Burlington. Representatives and or Senators from the Commission will be present at all forums and a report of findings will be made available after public engagement initiatives have ended. Each forum is designed to generate rich dialogue to capture the wisdom of Vermonters. All of the feedback received will then be considered in preparing the Commission’s report and any recommended legislation.

All questions on the public engagement forum should be directed to Cope and Associates, Inc. (802) 951-4200.

The Commission includes Rep. Amy Sheldon, Sen. Chris Pearson, Sen. Brian Campion, Rep. David L. Dean, Rep. Paul Lefebvre, and Sen. Dick McCormack.

A survey will be launched in July to gather more input. All materials will be made accessible to the public. Future forums will be held in Manchester on July 11, Randolph on July 25, Island Pond on Aug. 22, Rutland on Sept. 5, and Burlington on Sept. 12. All forums are on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m.. For exact locations, visit

Commission on Act 250: The Next 50 years

Nolin-Murray Center at St. Mary’s Catholic Church 
Springfield, VT
June 27, 2018 - 6:00pm-8:00pm


6:00 PM                   Public Outreach
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Video Welcome
3. Act 250 Essentials
  a. Background & History
  b. Key Facts
4. Explanation of The Big Deal™  
5. Community Discussions & Priority Setting
  a. Statewide Perspectives
  b. Disruptors: The Effects of Climate Change & Infrastructure
  c. Impact Perspectives
  d. Personal Preferences
6. Large Group Discussion & Results

8:00 PM                   Next Steps & Closing 

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