Click here for the full 16 minute CNN interview
Statement Of Senator Patrick Leahy
On The Trump-Kim Summit Meeting
commend President Trump for beginning direct negotiations. But it is
troubling that the President has agreed to unilaterally halt military
exercises with South Korea
without verifiable commitments from North Korea to denuclearize, while
giving Kim the recognition he has long craved. So far all we have seen
is a photo op coupled with a few broadly worded commitments.
it will be months, if not years, before we know whether yesterday’s
meeting achieves anything of lasting value, and I remain concerned that
little has been done
behind the scenes to translate soothing words into a workable
agreement. We should all remember Ronald Reagan’s famous caution, trust
but verify. Given what little we know about Kim Jong Un, that warning
could not be more relevant today.
must never harbor any illusions about the proven nature of a brutal and
duplicitous regime that wantonly commits crimes and atrocities against
its own people. Now, more
than ever, we need to work closely with our allies and partner nations
in pursuit of peace.
# # # # #

We'll all be in tears if Trump screws this up! If any deal he makes includes the withdrawal of U.S. troops from South Korea, BE VERY AFRAID!
ReplyDeleteAnd the lifetime under achievement, unemployed, subsidized housing, Trump derangement troll enlightens us with his strategic analysis of global negotiations.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Trump zombie; this college educated, veteran, homeowner and taxpayer knows more about strategic global affairs than you ever will. When will you brainwashed hicks realize that there are reasons why the world rejects you; YOU KNOW NOTHING! Dennis Rodman? GET REAL!
DeleteThe Worm is just as cuckoo and delusional as the nut case in the Oval Office.
ReplyDeleteThere are lots of opportunities for the top 1 per-centers to make lots of money over in North Korea. Big T hotels, I shoes and jewelry. Mr Z and FB.
ReplyDeleteHere's the plan, America:
ReplyDeleteStep One: Form alliances with our enemies, and drive wedges between us and our allies.
Step Two: Withdraw U.S. troops from Europe and Asia.
Step Three: Putin invades Europe, Xi invades Asia, Trump invades North and South America.
Step Four: Complete domination of the globe by Trump, Putin, and Xi.
If I'm wrong, I'll be the first one to thank God. If I'm right, we are witnessing the end of the world.
I agree. Can't believe the Republican voters can't see this.
DeleteMaybe they just don't want to see it. In their zeal to "Make America Great Again," they're willing to ignore anything that doesn't serve to justify their beliefs. Maybe they just don't care. At any rate, it'll be up to the Republicans in Congress to stop it. Some of them are starting to get nervous; we'll see what happens.
DeleteFunny thing is that most of the "younger generation" don't even know what is going on. Maybe they do about school shootings but how about "this stuff"
DeleteLIBERAL TEARS!!!! Wàaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
DeleteGuess what swampys.......YOU LOST! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The Korean War was a long time ago. WWII even longer ago. Were it not for having older relatives who served in those wars, I might not know that much about them either. It's truly saddening how little even my generation (Baby Boomers) understands history. We keep making the same mistakes over and over, and very few people see it. Harry Truman once said, "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know about." Maybe it's just human nature to believe we're smarter than our ancestors, even though most of us aren't!
DeleteHey swamp mud puppies, great news come Thursday at 3 pm when the Inspector General's report gets released on Crooked Hillary, collisionist Obama, corrupt DOJ and FBI, criminal Loretta Lynch et al!!!!! HAAAAPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN!!!!!
DeleteWell, it appears the adults have left the room. Unfortunate; I was enjoying having an intelligent conversation, for once!
ReplyDeleteVaya con Dios swampy.....wipe the mud off your tail on the way out!
ReplyDeleteYes, 7:15, I will go with God. Apparently, you're going with another being......
DeleteTrump says where NK "shoots off the cannons?" would make a good location for a beach hotel.!!! WTF
ReplyDeleteWinners and losers: Kim got a huge propaganda/diplomatic victory by being seen on equal terms with the US president. He gave up nothing but vague promises that echo statements made in previous “historic agreements” in 1992, 1993, 1994, 2000, 2005 and 2007. If any of those had been followed through on, this meeting would have been unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, Trump has shown the world the difference between the way he treats the leaders of our allies and the way he treats a dictator infamous for human rights abuses and unilaterally announced that we will stop doing joint military exercises (which, in words sounding more like they would have come from Kim than from the US President, he called “war games” and “provocative”) without bothering to notify either the South Korean government or the US military leadership beforehand.
Things that were discussed: suitability of North Korean beachfront property for hotels.
Things that were not discussed: human rights abuses, missiles, chemical and biological weapons.:
I see you watched Rachel Maddow last night. LOL. Go Trump!
DeleteOne day, you Trump supporters will go too far, and then you'll actually find out what it means to be a persecuted minority. Keep rubbing it in!
DeleteHa ha, anon. 4:47. I didn't watch R Maddow last night nor the night before, nor the night before. It doesn't take a PhD to know what's going on, something you Trumpsters have yet to comprehend.
DeleteWhat you Swampys fail to remember is Obama's kowtowing to Fidel Castro, a vicious dictator 90 miles from our shores....he LOVED Fidel....what you Swampys fail to remember are Barry Obama's liberal infused rants about how the world needs to be rid of nuclear weapons....and what did he do to achieve this?...NOTHING!!!!....I could go on and on. You Swampys are SO pathetic and hypocritical!
ReplyDeleteFidel Castro was no longer the leader of Cuba during the Obama Presidency. As usual, the Trumpie gets it wrong! Just another cheap, diversionary tactic to distract from Trump's bizarre Kim Jong Un brown-nose fest! But please, go on and on; you sound more foolish with every word!
DeleteWhy would you make such a stupid/erroneous statement that Obama loved Fidel Castro....yet condone Trump kowtowing to a man far more inhumane?
ReplyDeleteOh you dopey, DOPEY Swampys.....grabbing at straws to TRY and prove your FAKE NEWS AGENDA! Bozo Obama flew to Cuba to embrace Castro and kiss Raul's cheek.....You FAKE NEWS revisionists are going DOWN tomorrow when Obama's collusion is revealed to the American public! Only if the report is 100% redacted will America near of the stinking corruption of Obama, H. Clinton, FBI, DOJ, CIA and sleazy Loretta Lynch. So you better start to burrow yourselves in the mud while there is still mud....because the hot sun of TRUTH will soon expose you idiot lemmings!
ReplyDeleteTalk about being duped by fake have to be brain dead to fall for that right-wing/Trump propaganda. Keep dreaming. I'll bet the ranch NONE of your predictions come true. Zero............
DeleteHey 10:37, who's "ranch" you gonna bet? Mine? Because without a doubt you have NO ranch to bet. Keep squatting on your section 9 subsidized housing porch drinking Ripple all day and let me and President TRUMP educate you on pulling yourself up from your bootstraps....they do give you boots at the shelter don't they?
DeleteOf course he/she are a prerequisite for wallowing through the CNN, MSNBC and NPR swamp of fake news cuca poo.
DeleteAnon. 6:33 AM....FYI: I own a few "ranches". My homestead property tax is just shy of $13k a year, so no, I don't live in "section 9 subsidized housing drinking Ripple all day". Looks like you're the one who needs to be educated. Trump loves you low-information, poorly educated suckers.
Delete9:02 EXACTLY RIGHT. Trump and Kim love poorly educated suckers.
DeleteToss Putin and Xi in the group too.
Hey 6:33, why don't you pull yourself up by your own jockstrap! That'll be educational!
DeleteI would 9:57 but I don't own see, I'm a female. But I did ask my boyfriend if HE would try pulling himself up by HIS jockstrap and he said "Sure, just tell 9:57 to move his head." Heh,heh,heh.... that boy just cracks me up!
DeleteMy head is nowhere near you two, 3:41; that's why it still functions! Sadly, both of yours are securely up your butts! Pull them out for a minute and check out the IG's report; NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY AND NO POLITICAL BIAS! You lose again, Trumpies! Sad.
DeleteAnon. 9:58 Pm on 6/13.......IG's report.......NO EVIDENCE OF POLITICAL BIAS. My interpretation was that the FBI director was subtlety telling Trump that "we follow the facts wherever they go" and "too bad if you didn't like the Russian investigation. It is going to proceed". I wasn't at all worried about losing the "ranch"...............
DeleteStop watching CNN DOPEY 4:13....the report CLEARLY IMPLICATES your corrupt deep state OBama clowns. As a matter of fact, I've invited several friends over tonight for a 'FINALLY THE TRUTH' BBQ. Want to come Swampy?.....Probably not huh?....that's just wrap yourself in your blanky, don your earplugs and cocoon into your liberal tears 'SAFE SPACE'. You frauds are about to see your sugar cube castle hit by a monsoon!!!!
DeleteThe report did NOT clearly implicate any "deep state" clowns. You are so far removed from reality it's pathetic.....either that or you just don't comprehend facts. I'll go with both..........
DeleteA Truth Barbecue? Why not, they barbecue the truth every day at the Trump White House!
DeleteFidel Castro, Raul Castro (his brother) no difference. Can't believe these fools would argue with you that there was any difference.
ReplyDeleteLet me try to put your whole "thing" into perspective, 6:52. Fidel Castro was not in power during the Obama Administration. Subsidized housing is Section 8, not Section 9. Ripple hasn't been made since 1984. There was no criminal activity or bias at the Comey FBI, or the Lynch DOJ. The "deep state" is a paranoid, delusional conspiracy theory created by Steve Bannon, a known Nazi sympathizer. Absolutely NOTHING you have said is correct. WTF is wrong with you?
ReplyDeleteCorrection: I meant 6:09. SORRY 6:52!
DeleteEgad...thank you, Anon. 7:52! You had me worried there for a minute.....but at least you had facts, something Trumpsters don't deal in.
DeleteHey 7:52, I'm acutely aware that subsidized housing is Section 8 and not Section 9 as I wrote. I intentionally wrote that to flush out the leeches such as yourself that would know as much. So how do you like spending MY money LEECHY BOY!
ReplyDeleteNice try, 8:07, but I'm not buying it! You haven't been right about anything else, so.....
DeleteOnly snowflakes would use a word such as "Egad".....
ReplyDelete......back to my 'FINALLY The TRUTH' BBQ. Close to 20 people here, not bad for a Thursday. Guess what?.....we're ALL laughing at you blind Obama mice. So pathetic you are! Here's a hint, read the report, not just the 'Executive Summary'. Within 13 pages you'll see the charge of bias by the FBI VERIFIED! C'mon little mice, do a bit of work!
ReplyDeleteC'mon, Trumpies, his is all old news! I watched the Congressional hearings months ago. You can see what you want, but there's nothing there, and never was. Goodnight, idiots! I bet I'll sleep better than you, knowing the Mueller Report is coming!
DeleteAnon. 8:30. Close to 20 people...hahahaha. More fake news. Don't forget....M.A.G.A.....Mueller Ain't Going Away.
DeleteP.S. I'll take Wray's (and the IG's) assessment of the report over yours.