Democracy Now! roundtable discussion on the life and legacy of John McCain.
Tim Dickinson, a contributing editor with Rolling Stone magazine, discusses the top 5 myths about John McCain.
Many celebrities and establishment news people are using manipulative claptrap to pretend John McCain wasn't what he was, a war-mongerer, and are painting him as a cross between FDR & Ghandi.
Straight talk from Mike Figueredo, the founder and host of 'The Humanist Report' podcast, which features his progressive commentary on political news stories.

John McCain had more integrity, class, and honesty than Cadet Bonespurs will EVER have, and more than his supporters can even dream of! Sen. McCain may have lost the Presidency, but he did it with dignity; Trump became President by lying, cheating, and wallowing in the sewer of bigotry. John McCain will go down in history as a hero and a patriot. Donald Trump will live in infamy!
ReplyDeleteWell said. What kind of crap is the webmaster pedaling any ways?
DeleteFunny the main stream press is treating John McCain like he is a saint. Their hypocrisy is disgusting. When he ran for President they called him a crazy, cranky, old man, a Nazi... now he is St.John.
ReplyDeleteTruth is John McCain served his country honorably during his service years. As a Senator... he did not fair well. He was involved in some scandals.. but he was like all of are human... flaws and faults. He is not St. John. mortuis nil nisi bonum.
Delete“Fare” well.
DeleteVery well said, Gayle!
ReplyDeleteIf you compare John McCain to St. John, he comes up short. If you compare him to most Republicans, and quite a few Democrats, he looks a lot better! I didn't always agree with him, but I always knew that he said what he meant, and meant what he said. Not much of that in Washington these days!
ReplyDeleteDumbass 9:32 apparently has no recollection of the 'Keating Five' where this corrupt Senator McCain sold out this country for a lousy $112,000 bucks. The only thing worse than a corrupt Senator is a CUT-RATE CORRUPT SENATOR!!!
ReplyDeleteSen. McCain was cleared of all wrongdoing, and testified against Keating. Then again, maybe taking meetings with crooked, disreputable people is grounds for removal from office.....
DeleteAnon. 6:57.....why don't you do some fact-checking before you comment? That's the biggest faux pas of many of the posters on here......they don't bother to corroborate their statements. Some of us do.
Deletethe salient thing about the Keating 5 is that the reason they all met with him at the same time (rather unusual for senators) is that he was a major contributor for all of them! They (and their descendants) spend 30% of their time dialing for dollars, and when a major contributor wants to meet, 75% of the time they will bump their appointments to accommodate that source of money.
ReplyDeleteFrom the day he gets elected on November 5th this year until he launches his 2020 campaign on April 1, 2020, to raise the minimum of $3 million needed, a Congressman has to raise $259 per hour, EVERY hour of EVERY day. In addition, if he/she wants to have a fairly significant position in the party structure in Congress, he/she has to pay $175,000 in dues to the party and then from $25,000 to $25 MILLION for a desirable committee assignment. So, tack that on to the $259 per hour.
We can change that, but very few people want to be bothered. How about you?
I seem to remember Sen. McCain and Sen. Feingold tried that once, only to have their efforts wiped out by Citizens United. McCain-Feingold didn't go far enough, but it was progress! Don't count on anything even resembling campaign finance reform with the R's controlling the government! Wow, the auto-correct tried to change my R to a D. Is that sabotage or prophesy?
DeleteCurrently the best we can hope for is that Trump takes over the Department of Justice. From there he can become the dictator of the USA. Hail Donald Trump.
ReplyDeleteMcCain-Feingold was bound to fail simply because our campaign finance system does not address the value by which all campaigns operate. That value is, "There is no such thing as too much money."
ReplyDeleteSo, while we have all these laws about the sources and amounts of permitted contributions, EVERYBODY in the pool either actively tries or is very sorely tempted to flout the law, e.g., Al Gore getting foreign donations through a Buddhist nunnery in California or Saudi Arabia funding Mitt Romney via a contribution through NewsCorp, of which it owns 41%.
In short, enforcement is focused on the worst spot of the campaign funding cycle, a sponge so porous that it takes months of slogging simply to detect a deliberate violation and often a year or more of consequent investigation and judicial proceedings to fine a candidate who is now safely in office.
We need to change the law to focus on the chokepoint of the cycle-- it is immediately visible to all, and in the event of a violation it would be immediately actionable. You can bet this would make would-be perpetrators think more carefully.
A proper system of campaign finance reform would be based on the principle that campaign contributions only are constitutional when they protect and enhance the freedom of political speech of a qualified candidate. With that principle fueling oversight at the chokepoint, we would see PAC's wither like toads in a refractory.
I thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Bob Woodward: Trump's aides stole his papers 'to protect the country'
That's the problem we face in America today; the President's staff, and a few responsible members of Congress having to "protect the country" from him. Think about that; HAVING TO PROTECT THE COUNTRY FROM OUR PRESIDENT!!!!!!
DeleteAnd FOX NEWS is just as DUMB. Crazy.
DeleteThat idea that Trump can't handle a crisis is not true. If he looses a golf ball now that's a crisis and you can be damn sure he has "his people" looking for it.
ReplyDeleteHey Roger and the rest of you gopers, MAGA is coming soon!
ReplyDeleteM.A.G.A. as in Woodward, anonymous at NYT and Mueller? Trump won't sleep a wink tonight........
ReplyDeleteCan anyone tell us what qualifications Trump has to be the president of united states? And even more, what qualifications his brat kids have being his advisors? What do they or he know about diplomacy and how to handle foreign affairs. Begin his removal.
ReplyDeleteMr. Trump meets the criteria set forth in the constitution of the United States. Those are the only ones he has to meet. Perhaps he won because the public was sick and tired of the lack of results that the 'ruling class', 'deep state' political class has been delivering. Maybe if we had term limits for our representatives, we wouldn't feel the need to elect an 'outsider' to lead our country. Mr. Trump isn't a politician. It's unreasonable to expect a businessman to act like a life long politician. He's getting things done. In an unconventional way. He's not using the flowery speech the political class is used to. The same speech that says nothing, gets nothing done, and makes you feel good. He's the crowbar forcing Washington to move. It's uncomfortable to some. It's ok.
Delete8:30 Great Comment! MAGA
Delete8:49, you are banking on truth to anything Woodward says, Those most of was been debunked by others in the Trump Administration. Yeah probably Trumps style is of poor form, but when your the President, others work for you when your in his administration.
As for the Anonymous Person, which we know why they are anonymous, as they are probably a plant with an agenda. And as 8:30 laid out Trump has his own style and it seems to work but seems to trigger contempt by those who don't like him. I like his results in most cases, and more yes than not. As for Mueller he's got nothing because there is nothing there, Trump is way be on the Mueller investigation.... MAGA
Trump "won" because he manipulated the electoral vote in three states. How much help he had from Russia to do it is still in question. As far as "getting things done," I only hope the "resisters" in his administration keep slowing him down. They know him better than anyone. What he would do if he could would destroy this nation, and probably the world. The list of "those who don't like" Trump is growing, and include most of the country, our intelligence community, and a good many of his staff! The wheels are falling off the wagon, and it's only a matter of time before Trump outlives his usefulness to the GOP. When that happens, he'll go right under the bus like Nixon did! Gee, didn't Bob Woodward have something to do with that one, too?
Delete"Been debunked by others in the Trump administration"? made a funny there, Roger. Woodward is one of the most respected investigative journalists to come down the pike in years. His credentials are stellar, unlike Trump's. He's been the recipient of every major Am.journalism award. Who in their right mind would believe a pathological lying miscreant over an honorable, respected and intelligent man who has authored over a dozen books about several presidents, the SC, the Fed. Reserve, and DC in general? His credentials far surpass Bone Spurs.......he spent 5 years as an officer in the USN, went to Yale, GWU, and was admitted to Harvard but chose to go into journalism instead.
DeleteDan Rather, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose high standards in journalism as well Huh!
DeleteWe're talking Bob Woodward and besides, Dan Rather made the mistake of trusting another reporter's facts, which has never 100% been disproved. Lauer's and Rose's case had nothing to do with journalistic reporting. They had the same problem as Trump....sexual misconduct.
DeleteAnd the Same as Bill Clinton!
DeleteI must have missed Bobs middle name somewhere, is it Jesus or Theresa or Gandhi? "
DeleteDumb reply.........
DeleteJust because he's far more reputable, respected, and held in higher esteem than Trump and his administration. Your deflection is noted.......
A business man has no reason to be president. For one it is a conflict of interest.
ReplyDeletePolitics should be left to those who study politics.
That has been the our problem for years, it's call a swamp now for good reasons, term limits would do us well.
ReplyDeleteYeah, let's limit Trump to 1/2 of a term! Go Mueller!
DeleteTREASON .... that's a good one Donny. You should take a quick on line class of American politics.