Thursday, August 16, 2018

A message from Keith Stern

Thank you to all of my supporters. I am blown away by your commitment and enthusiasm. I will never forget any of this. I appreciate that many of you want to support me in a write in campaign. That would take a monumental effort to be at every polling place handing out papers with my name on it.

I have another approach. First we must separate from the establishment who worked in concert with the dems to get Scott nominated. They sold us out to back a dishonest, disingenuous man who violated his oath by signing gun legislation and the individual mandate bill that are both clearly unconstitutional.

Second I am going to make a public announcement supporting Joe Barney for governor. He is a constitutional conservative and will push the same basic agenda of protecting our constitutions, bringing affordability and prosperity to Vermont, and creating a lean, effective government and education system. I look forward to helping him.

Finally for now, I want to apologize to everyone who was expecting to hear from me sooner. As of 12:15 this morning I have become my company's truck driver, produce buyer, truck unloader, and delivery man. But I will be reachable to all of you as time allows. Please keep in touch. I want to hear how things are going in your lives.

Barney joins Vermont governor's race as an independent 
 Vermont's newest candidate for governor is a high school teacher who says he wants to build "middle ground" in an era of political polarization.


  1. You don't win the nomination so now you're going to take your ball and go home? Any chance you ever had to be embraced by the Republican Party is gone, especially when you endorse a candidate who has even less chance to win than you did, but he may manage to siphon off a few votes from Scott in November; votes he may need to win.
    Will you be happy then?

    1. 11:02, Stern IS the modern Republican Party. That's the problem the GOP has; it only represents 29% percent of the country. Fully half the voters are registered NPA now! Without the middle ground behind them, the GOP is headed for the dustbin of history! Candidates like Stern are the proof!

    2. 11:32, comparing Vermont's GOP to the national party is a serious stretch.

    3. Well, I wasn't comparing Stern to other Vermont Republicans, I was comparing him to the GOP in general. Vermont is more leftward-leaning overall, and is somewhat of an outlier in that respect. Phil Scott probably wouldn't have won the GOP primary in most other states. At the national level, and in other states, candidates like Stern are more the norm, these days!

  2. I agree with anon 5:01...

    I can't see where Scott would have ever succeeded in other states. Keith is a good guy. Known him all my life. His views are sound what is approache is mediocre. Inaction at its finest.

    1. I was not complementing Stern, or the GOP. The Republican Party of today, as typified by Stern and Trump, is an international embarrassment to this country.


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